Seniors & Señors

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Azzy's Pov

A new day. And it's our first day of senior year.

Just don't go joining any musicals about your last year here.

Don't ruin this for me. It's the first time I'm excited to be in school.

"We're finally seniors. This is so cool." Trish said.


Then Jax and Ally turned to each other and did some sort of handshake.

"Yay! Seniors! Whoop!" They both said.

"And that's so not cool." I said.

Also speaking of not cool, here comes Dez. Who was dressed in an all purple suit.

Oh god. Please don't ruin my favorite color.

"Wow! Someone went all out for the first day of school." Austin said.


"I spent all last night picking up this outfit. I wanted to make sure that no one wore the same thing, because that would be emabarrassing." Dez said.

"I guarantee no one's wearing... that." Trish said.

Then some other dumbass walked behind Dez, wearing the same thing. Hat and all.


"Pfft! Look at that doof. Must be a junior!" Dez yelled.

Then he put up his hand for a high-five, but we turned away from him.

"Senior year is gonna be amazing. And the best part is I get to spend it with my friends and my boyfriend." I said, sitting down next to Austin.

"That's me." He said.

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Then he moved me over to his lap and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Aww! Look at you two. I used to have that with somebody. Her name? Carrie. Her face? Pretty." Dez said.

"Her I.Q? Low." Jax said.

My smile grew when I saw Ally smack him.

"I know how you feel, Dez. Ever since Jace and I decided to take a break, I've been feeling kind of down. But things are looking up now." Trish said, looking at someone.

Oh boy. This should be interesting.

"Hey! I like your shirt. Looks like it's made of boyfriend material." Trish said.

"Hola, señora Gomez. How was your summer?" Me and Ally said, walking to our spanish teacher.

"Hola, Ally. Hola, Azzy. My summer was great. I re-watched all 49 seasons of my favorite Spanish soap opera: 'Corazón caliente'. Hola, señor Moon. ¿cómo estás?"

Wow. Didn't even notice he was behind us.

"Thanks! I am having a good hair day." Austin said.

I giggled.

"She didn't compliment your hair. She asked how you are?" Jax said.

He, Dez and Trish walked over to us.

"And shouldn't you be sitting somewhere else? That area is for seniors only." Señora Gomez said.


"I know. We're all seniors." Moon said and put his arm around my shoulder.

"No, they are seniors. You are not. Because of all your touring last year, you never passed my Spanish class. Which makes you one credit short. I'm afraid... you are still a junior." Señora Gomez said.

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