Glee Clubs & Glory

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Before we begin, I made some changes to the glee club mashup. And by changes I mean that I added some songs because I had to fit in my two oc's. And if you don't like that, then skip through the lyrics and continue reading or just watch the video. Also the outfits at the top are just to give a general idea of what they'd be wearing for the final performance. Okay. Enjoy(: )

Azzy's Pov

We were all at Sonic boom. Well everyone except for Ally. Wonder where she is. 

Anyway, Trish, Dez and I were at the counter. They were reading and I was sketching. Austin was at the seating area, playing the guitar and Jax was with him, but playing a game on his phone.

"Azzy, Jax, Trish, we have a Glee club emergency."

We looked up from what we were doing and looked at Ally who was now standing at the door.

Right. Forgot we joined that.

"Our tenor, Lenny, was chased by a dog, fell off his bike, and broke his leg." She finished explaining.

Oof. Poor Lenny.

"Oh, great! That means we don't have to rehearse today. Man, dogs really are a man's best friend." Trish said.

"Have some sympathy." Ally said.

But why. I mean yeah sucks for him, but that means we get to have the day off from rehearsals. I see this as him taking one for the team.

"Yeah. Poor Lenny's probably gonna be on crutches for six weeks." Dez said.

True. But I still see this as taking one for the team.

"I mean sympathy for me. Without a tenor, there's no way we'll win next week's competition. We might end up in second place." Ally said.

Oh boy.

"Second place still qualifies you for regionals." Austin said.

"Oh, but second place is not winning. Second place means you're a loser."

"Hey, I come in second place all the time. Would you guys call me a loser?" Dez asked.

"Do you really want us to answer that?" I said.

"Probably not."

"I have to fix this. I'm the captain. When there's a problem, the whole club looks to me to be calm, cool, and collected." Ally said.

Jax and I looked at each other confused.

"Maybe they should look somewhere else." Austin said.

Which got him a glare from Ally.

I stifled my laugh as he continued playing his guitar.

"I see what going on. She's afflicted with a rare condition called 'a capella persperitis', better known as 'Glee fever!' I kind of have a touch of it myself, but I'll never get cured since I didn't get picked to be in Glee club." Dez said and walked off.


"I'd give you my spot if I didn't need the extra credits. I tried wood shop, but apparently it's 'dangerous' to fall asleep while operating a buzz saw." Trish said.

"I'd give you my spot too, but I need the extra class." Jax said.


"Focus. We need to find a last minute replacement for Lenny. He needs to be a strong singer who can learn fast." Ally said.


"Where are you gonna find that? ♪ She'll be coming around the Mountain when she comes. ♪" Dez sang.

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