Hunks & Homecoming

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Azzy's Pov

I walked into the store with Austin and Dez. Well more like doing cartwheels and flips.

Austin was pushing Dez, who was sat on a shopping cart.

We finally stopped infront of the counter. Ally and Jax were behind there.

"I guess now is the time where I ask... What are you doing?" Ally asked.

"Practicing my parade wave." Dez said and hopped off the cart.


"Since Dez is a cheerleader, he's gonna be on their float in the homecoming parade." Austin explained.

"And I was just doing this for fun." I said and hopped onto the counter.

"So what's the theme of the cheerleader float this year?" Ally asked.

I have no clue.

"Funny you should ask. I'm the one building it. The theme is gonna be 'the ocean world or habitat, if you will.. of our mascot, the majestic Marino High manatee, sometimes referred to as the sea cow'." Dez explained while holding a stuffed manatee.


And just then, Trish ran into the store.

"Ally, I have some big news. I just got off the phone with Ronnie Ramone. He wants you to write a song with Gavin Young." Trish said.

No way!

"Gavin Young, that hot new country singer?" Jax asked.


"No, Gavin Young, that hot new... I'm gonna try to steal him as a client, country singer." Trish said.

"I don't know. I'm not sure if I want to work with him." Ally said.

"Why not?" Austin asked.

Yeah, why not?

"I'd be doing all the work. He's just some pretty boy who probably knows nothing about music." Ally said.

"You don't know that. We happen to know a guy who's proven that being pretty doesn't mean you're not talented." Jax said.


"Thank you, Jax." Dez said.

"I think he was talking about Austin." I said.


"Thanks. And Jax is right. I think you should work with Gavin." Austin said.


"Really? You don't mind me writing with someone else?" Ally asked.

"No. It's only one song." Austin said.

"And it'd be good for your career." I added.

"You're right. Okay, Trish. Tell Ronnie I'll do it." Ally said.

Awesome. Now you can fall in love with another one of your sister's partners.

I'm not falling in love with anyone. I just like Gavin's music.

Yeah right.

"Great, I'll call him." Trish said.

"While you do that, I'm gonna practice my parade wave." Dez said.

And he started waving. Then Trish started waving too.

"Oh, are you working on yours too?" He asked Trish.

"No, I just want you to leave. Bye-bye." Trish said.

Dez grabbed his stuffed manatee and left.


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