Burdens & Boynado

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Azzy's Pov

"Hey, guys." Ally said as the three of us walked into the practice room.

"What exactly are we looking at here?" I asked.

Trish was lying on one of the couches, and I think Dez and Jax were massaging her feet?

"Trish told us if we give her a pedicure, we can meet her clients... Boynado." Dez said.

Oh. Okay.

"They're coming to town Friday, and I am not looking forwards to it." Trish said.

Are they really that bad?

"But Boynado's the best boy band ever!" Austin said.

Ally sat down on one of the chairs and I went over to my beanbag while the boys started singing one of Boynado's songs.

Oh boy.

"Ugh, it blows my mind that people actually like that song." I said and opened my sketch book.

"Blows your mind? Like a strong gust of wind?" Austin said.

"Or a cyclone? Or.." Dez and Jax trialed off.

"Don't you dare-"

And they sang that one part of the song again.

I glared at all three of them and moved over to sit next to Trish.

"So what's all this stuff anyway? I haven't seen you work this hard since... Nope, I have never seen you work this hard." Ally said.

"I know. Figuring out Boynado's travel arrangements is like trying to solve the world's largest Jigsaw puzzle." Trish said.

Then she turned back to all the papers that were sitting on the coffee table.

"I'm still trying to solve the world's smallest Jigsaw puzzle." Dez said.

Then he pulled out a single piece and looked at it.

"Dez, that's just a single piece." Jax said.

"But where does it go?"

It's way too early for this.

"Look, Rupert won't sit next to Devin on the plane cause they both like the window seat. Nigel won't share his hairstylist cause he thinks Rupert is trying to copy his signature swoop. And Devin won't room with Nigel or Rupert cause he swears the combination of their colognes gives him the hiccups." Trish said.

Okay, they are that bad. Yeesh! Poor Trish.

"Well, technically, that could happen. You see, scientifically, hiccups-"

We looked at Ally.

"Never mind."


"All Boynado does is fight. If it wasn't for me managing them, they would have broken up a long time ago." Trish said.


"Well, you better not let them break up. That would be a disaster." Dez said.


"You might say natural disaster." Austin continued.

"Like a hurricane. Or..." Jax said this time, trailing off.

Oh please no.

And all three of them sang the song, but Trish stopped them.

"Enough!" She said.

Thank you.

"Come on, guys, we'll let you get back to work." Ally said.

And as soon as we all stepped outof the room... I don't know how, but they somehow ropped me into singing the stupid song with them. Dez put an alarm on his phone and when Trish opened the door, we all sang the song to her. Then she closed the door in our faces.

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