Eggs & Extraterrestrials

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Azzy's Pov

Austin, Dez, Trish and I were running into the store. And we found Ally and Jax at the counter. Trish and Dez were also dressed as Zaliens.

"Guess who's going to the Zalien convention!" Trish said.

"Dez got us tickets. He was in line for three days." Me and Austin said.

"I didn't sleep, shower or brush my teeth the whole time. Can you believe it?" Dez asked.

"Yes. Yes, we can." Ally said.

Dez probably breathed in their faces.

"The best part is I get to take my six favorite people. One for me, one for Austin, one for Jax, one for Trish, one for Azzy, and of course, the brilliant and beautiful..."

"Aw, Dez-" Ally started.

"Carrie." Dez finished.


I stifled my laugh.

"But she can't go because she's teaching a self-defence/ country dance class. It's called 'tae Kwon do-si-do'. Yee-haw... Hyah!" Dez said.

He also showed us what the class does.

I've actually gone to one of the classes and it's pretty fun. Stupid, but pretty fun.

"Since Carrie can't go, I have to move on to my seventh-favortie person. Ally... Would your dad like to go to the convention with us?" Dez asked.

"My dad?! No. He's out of town." Me and Ally said.

"Aw, man. Well, on to my eighth-favorite. Ally... Would you like to go to the convention with us?" Dez asked her.

I rolled my eyes.

"As sweet as that invitation was. I don't wanna spend my Saturday doing nerdy, boring stuff." Ally said.

Nerdy, boring stuff. Really?

"This coming from the girl that goes to cloud-watching club." Trish said.


"Hey! We had a great turnout last week. Both of us showed up. Thanks again, Austin." Ally said.

Right, forgot he still goes to that thing.

"No problem. I like cloud-watching club... Ever since I learned to sleep with my eyes open." Austin said.



I stifled my laugh.

"Ally, just come to the convention with us." Dez said.

"Please?" "It'll be cool." "Come on." "Pretty please." We begged.

"Please don't make me invite my aunt Edna. She's no fun since she got out of prison." Dez said.

Yeah- Wait. Prison??

We looked at Dez.

"Okay, fine. I'll go. Just please don't make me wear some weird Zalien costume." Ally said.

"I promise. We won't make you dress up as a Zalien." I said.

And I kept my word, case she ain't a Zalien.

"A Xanthian Princess is so much better." Ally said, sarcastically.

"High five!" Dez said.

And all five of us high-fived Ally's hand that was ontop of her head.

And I am so glad I didn't have to dress up.

We were now at the convention.


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