Fashion Shows & First Impresions

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Azzy's Pov

We were all down at the beach club today.

"Sup, guys? What do you think of my sweater?!" Dez asked.

He span around and one of the sleeves hit Austin in the face.

I say throw it away.

"It only has one arm." Austin said.


"I could take it or 'sleeve' it." Ally said and laughed.

I groaned and facepalmed.

"Is it just me, or are my jokes getting better?"

"It's just you." Trish said.

Me and Austin nodded.

"Hey, guys. I made this sweater for my Dezzie. I'm taking a knitting class." Carrie said.

Aww, they look adorable.

"Can you believe this is the first thing she ever knitted?"


"No way."



"I have eyes."


"Well, let's get out of here, Ally. It's time to celebrate our one-month-iversary." Gavin said.

Awww... Blegh.

"We're going to the pickle factory. Isn't Gavin the sweetest?" Ally said.

And with that, they left.

Dez and Carrie came to sit with us.

"It must be hard seeing Ally with someone else." Trish said.

"It was weird at first, but I'm ready to move on." Jax said.


"I know the perfect girl. She's tall, sweet, easy on the eyes. Sadly, she's taken. Love you, babe. Boop! Lucky for you, Carrie has a sister." Dez said.

Again... Blegh.

"Oh, that's a great idea. You'd love her. She's just like me. Only, kinda forgetful. Oh, which reminds me, I forgot to turn off the dishwasher." Carrie said.

She got up and we watched her walk over to the bar.


"I have a feeling her sister's probably not my type." Jax said.

He never knows.

"Maybe this will change your mind." Dez said.

He showed us a picture of Carrie's sister.

Eh... Maybe if you take away the glasses she could be his type.

"Yeah, definitely not my type." Jax said.


"Are you sure? Cause I've met her, and she's every bit as amazing as Carrie." Dez said.

We looked over at Carrie again and she was making snow angels with the soap from the dishwasher.

Aww, I want to do that.

Then do it. What's stopping you?

I don't know, maybe the protective boyfriend that pulled me onto his lap right now cause he can read minds.

"Bubbles taste weird." Carrie said.

I was at the store with Ally now, since she had come back from her date.

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