Karaokee & Kalamity

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Azzy's Pov

A new day, and I was hanging out with Austin, Dez and Jax. And we were running away from a T-Rex that was chaing us.

Then they looked behind them, and started screaming.

"Oh, come on. Everyone knows you don't look behind you." I said, still 'running'.

They still continued to scream.

"Guys! The shipment of maracas just came in!" Ally said.

"Ooh, maracas." I said and walked over to her.

We both looked at them.

"These are even nicer than the last maracas." We both said.

I got one and started rattling it. Ah, I love maracas.

"Ah! Check them out!" We said again.

"Right now? Can't you see we're being chased by a tyrannosaurus rex?" Austin said.

"He's closing in on us!" Dez said.

"We're doomed!"

And they started screaming again, while hugging each other.

"But... maracas..." I mumbled, with a small pout and rattled it again.

Ally stopped the video, and the boys stopped screaming.

"That screen is supposed to be a concert simulator to help the students practice performing in front of a crowd, not to practice running away from prehistoric carnivores." Ally said.

The five of us had walked over to the couches.

I sat down next to Austin.

"Performing for a virtual crowd always bums me out. Reminds me of how much I miss performing in front of a real crowd." Austin said and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

I know how he feels. I miss it too.

"I can't believe Jimmy Starr still hasn't lifted the ban." Jax said.

"Guess who got a job working karaokee night at club-a-dub-dub?" Trish said, coming in.

Haven't heard that in a while.

"Aw, I love that place! I set the record for eating 428 chicken wings in an hour. Bones and all! Whoa!" Dez said.

Then he and Austin did their handshake.

"Working karaoke is the perfect job for me. I get to sing all night." Trish said.

"Isn't your job to get other people to sing?" I asked.

"Why would I do that? They're terrible. Have you heard people do karaoke?"

Oh come on.

"You haven't heard me do karaoke. I'm great!" Dez said.

Then he started singing, but Trish pushed him into a sound booth. And now we can't hear him.

Thank you.

"Yup, sounds great now." Jax said.

Dez was still singing, even if we can't hear him.

A new day and Ally and I were shaking some maracas. And probably annoying Austin. But it didn't look like he was annoyed.

Yeah, more like amused cause you two are being idiots and dancing around with maracas.

I'm sorry, but, uh, when did I ask you?

"What was wrong with our old maracas?" Austin asked.

Oh, right, the maracas.

"The beans in these are 5% bigger." Ally said.

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