Boy Songs & Badges

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Azzy's Pov

Me and Ally were walking down the stairs from the practice room.

My meeting with Jimmy is tomorrow and I haven't finished writing my new song.

"Hey, guys. Want to go to the zoo later and laugh at the monkeys?" Austin asked as soon as he saw us.

"Can't. I'm meeting a record label on Wednesday and I still have to finish three songs for my demo." Ally said.

"And my meeting is tomorrow and I still have to finish writing a new song and then I have to add music to it."

"And our dad's out sick, so now we have to watch the store, and.. Are you guys putting salami on cereal?" Me and Ally asked.

"Yep. We couldn't decide if we wanted breakfast or lunch, so we're having both. We call it 'blunch'." Austin said and took a bite.

"They mean 'brunch', right?" I whispered to Ally.

She looked at me and shrugged.

"Mmm. Frosted crispy bites and salami. Is there a better combination?" Dez asked.

"Yes." I said.

"How can you eat that?" Ally asked.

She's just as disgusted as I am. And I can tolerate a lot of weird, disturbing things that they do, but this is just... Ew.

"Oh, she's right. We forgot the mustard." Dez said.

Please tell me-

They did.

They actually put mustard in the thing they're eating and then took a bite of that.

I just looked at them, very disturbed.

"Guess who got a job as a Pioneer Rangers Troop Leader?" Trish asked, walking into the store.

Nice uniform.

"Let me rephrase that. Guess who's mom forced her to get a non-paying job as her brother's Pioneer Rangers Troop Leader?" She asked again.

Ally walked over to her and I stayed by the counter.

"Sorry. We know how much you don't like the outdoors." Ally said.

"Or your little brother." I continued. 

"I used to be a Pioneer Ranger. But I got kicked out after a camping trip. Apparently bird baths are for 'birds only'. One of my biggest regrets is that I never earned a single merit badge." Dez said.

Aww. Poor, Dez.

"Well, today hasn't been a total loss. In addition to learning how to make an outdoor bathroom out of rocks, I actually booked Austin on 'Video Countdown Live'." Trish said.


"Awesome! The video countdown thing. Not the outdoor bathroom thing." Moon said.

"You guys have to write a new song because Austin's gonna be on 'New Music Tuesday'." She said looking at Austin, Ally and me.

" A new song for Austin by Tuesday?" Me and Ally asked.

"I'm already working on three songs for myself." Ally said.

"And I have to finish writing my new song."

"A little trivia, know why they call it 'New Music Tuesday'?" Dez asked.

"Because people play their new music and it's on a Tuesday?" Me and Ally said.

"Oh... you already know." Dez said and continued eating his cereal with salami.

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