Backups & Breakups

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Azzy's Pov

Austin, Ally, Dez and I were at the food court.

"Look at how small my pizza is." Ally said, standing in front of our table.

She was holding a plate, with a really tiny pizza right in the middle.

I pointed over to sign, that was behind her.

It said 'mini's' on it.

"I just realized why they call this place 'mini's'." She said.

"I probably should've ordered more than one taco." Dez said, then ate the taco in one bite.

"Can I have a bite of your pizza?" Dez said.

He then proceeded to take the pizza from Ally without permission and wolfed it down.

"Dez!" she yelled.

She looked over to where Austin was sitting. Then looked at his plate.

They both look at it, and before Ally could take it, Austin ate his unfinished hotdog.

I gave up and passed my plate over to Ally.

Then Trish came up to us.

"Sorry I'm late to the team Austin meeting!" She said.

She was also wearing a nail salon unifrom. Guess she got a new job.

"Actually, you're right on time." I said to her.

"I set your watch ahead 45 minutes, so you wouldn't be late." Ally explained.

"Aw man! That means I was on time for work too! That's why they didn't fire me..." Trish said and sat down. "So where are we on the new dance video?"

"Yeah, I promised the fans we'd have it on the website next weekend." Ally said.

"Well, I've been working on something with my new backup dancers." Moon said.

"So when do we get to see it?" Trish asked.

"Does now work for you?"

Austin pulled out a small speaker from his backpack and starts playing an instrumental version of 'illusion'.

"It's an Austin flash mob!" Dez said.

Both of us took out our cameras and started recording.

And it was going great. Up until one of Austin's dancers hopped onto an ice cream cart. And then cart rolled away, with the dancer still ontop.

The cart went rolling into mini's and sent the dancer flying over the counter.

I stopped the music and ran over to the counter. Along with everyone else.

"Umm, that cart wasn't there last night when we rehearsed.." Austin said.

"We're going to need a new backup dancer." Trish said.

I was walking through the the hallway at school with Austin and Ally.

And all three of us noticed Dez and Trish were by the lockers. And they were giggling?

"Shh! Fine, we'll just keep this a secret between us." Dez said, as we approached them.

"Keep what between us?" Austin asked.

"Uh..Wha..Uh...Uh, this book! For now we'll just keep this book between us!" Trish said.

Why does she sound nervous.

"What 'up, kids?" Our teacher, Mr. Conley, asked.

"What-up, Mr. Conley?" Ally said, but sounded more like a question.

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