Mini Me's & Muffin Baskets

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Azzy's Pov

A new day and...

Guess who's allowed to make music again!

Wow, you sound like Trish.

Shut up. Let me be happy. And I have so many ideas for new songs.

Anyway, Austin, Ally and I walked down from the practice room.

"Okay, kids, I need your attention. Come on, gather around." Ally and I said.

"We have a really big surprise for you." Austin continued.


"Oh, I love surprises. tell me, tell me, tell me. Wait, don't tell me. Okay, fine, tell me. No, no don't." Dez said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Dez, you already know the surprise." Jax said.

"Oh, right. Wait, remind me. No, no, no, don't remind me. Okay, remind me. No, no, no, don't-"

I cut Dez off, by putting my hand over his mouth.

"Okay, we're throwing the first ever A&A music factory showcase." Ally said.

"We invited somerecord execs to come hear you play." I continued.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, can I rap? I'm great at rapping." Herman said.

"Sure, Herman." Austin said.



"Oh, no, all the execs are going to be wearing suits. I'm scared of suits... the blazers, the ties, the vests. And don't even get me started on the pocket squares. What are they even for?" Ridley said, slightly panicking.

I helped her calm down a bit.

"No one's expecting professionals. This is just a chance for you to get some industry feedback so you can grow as an artist." Trish said.


"Sounds terrifying. I'm gonna head to the suit store across the mall and practice singing to some mannequins." Ridley said and walked out.

Um, okay...

"I am so excited for the showcase. A lot of music execs will be there." Trish said as we walked over to the couches.

"Even Jimmy Starr is coming." I added.

"Oh, good. I haven't seen that guy since he changed his email, rejected my friend request and disabled the tracking device I put on his car." Dez said.

We looked at him.

If that's not creepy, I don't know what is.

"Dez, maybe stay away from Jimmy." Ally said.


"Yeah, I'll be staying away from him too. That guy officially hates me." Austin said.

Great.. and now you feel bad cause you get to perform again and he doesn't.

"Well, he doesn't hate Ridley. He loved her at the karaoke sing-off. If she nails her performance, maybe he'll sign her." Jax said.

"Yeah, and then we can get back on his good side. Who knows what that might mean for Austin?" Ally said.

Yeah... yeah, sounds like a good plan.

"Who knows what that might mean for me? Maybe I'll finally get to take real photos with Jimmy, instead of the fake ones I make on my computer." Dez said.

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