Santas & Surprises

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Azzy's Pov

"Okay. Our special holiday family and friends night is comign up Christmas Eve, and we think it would be really fun to perform a song we all write together." Ally and I said, to our students.

"So let's throw out words that make us think of Christmas. Anybody?" Austin continued.

"Christmas!" Herman yelled out.

Well, I mean he's not wrong.

"Okay, Herman, the word Christmas does make me think of Christmas. Uh, anybody else?" I asked.

"Christmas." Dez said, standing up.

Already on the list.

"Yeah, Dez, that's already on the list." Ally said.

"Aw." And Dez sat back down.

"What about something like mistletoe?" I suggested.

"Or sleigh bells." Austin continued.

"What about snow?" Jax asked, sitting on one of the couches.

"Or presents. More specifically, the cheetah print handbag I emailed you all about." Trish said.

"Several times."


"Anybody else?... Lily, you're awfully quiet. What word comes to your mind when you think of Christmas?" Ally asked.

She sat down next to Lily.

"Lousy." Lily said.

"Lousy? That doesn't sound very Christmassy to me." Ally said.

"Well, maybe she meant lousy as in lousy the reindeer?" Austin said.

I looked at him.

"There's no reindeer named lousy." I said.

"She's right. It's drowsy." Dez said.

What? No.

"There's no reindeer named drowsy either." Jax said.

"Oh, yeah. I'm thinking of the dwarves. You know, goldilocks and the three dwarves. Lousy, drowsy and Jim." Dez said.

What? Why Jim? Wait no. He's mixing up fairytales now!

"Guys, we're trying to write a song here." Ally said.

"Yeah. Christmas is about happiness and being with the people you love." I continued.

"Yeah, Lily. Why would you say it's Lousy?" Herman asked.

"I just think Christmas is overrated. People make too big of a deal out of it, and it's really not that great. It's lousy."

I have a feeling that there's something more than what she just said.

"We wish you a lousy Christmas
We wich you a lousy Christmas
We wish you a lousy Christmas
And overrated New Year" Dez sang.


"I think Lily's on to something." Dez saidna and continued writing.

"Okay, when Lily gets here we need to get her in the holiday spirit." Ally said.

We were decorating the chritsmas tree.

"It's weird that she's not more excited about Chritsmas." I said.

"Yeah. I've seen that girl get excited over getting a curly fry mixed in with her regular fries." Trish said.

Oh yeah, I saw that too.

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