Wedding Bells & Wacky Birds

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Azzy's Pov

Ah, school. The place I hate the most. But I guess I can tolerated since I have home-economics, or 'life skills' class, with Austin, Ally and Jax. So I guess it makes it better.

"The purpose of life skills class is to prepare you for the future. Though, honestly, nothing can prepare you for when your deadbeat boyfriend crashes your car and leaves you for your pilates instructor."


"Anyway, for this week's assignment, everyone will pair up and put together a budget and visual presentation for one of these major life events."

I looked at the board. Hmm... I got it!

I turned around in my seat to look at Austin.

"I want a baby." I said, giving him puppy eyes.

"Well, we can't do it here."

I threw a scrunched up piece of paper at him as he laughed.

"Moon, no! I meant let's plan a baby shower." I said, slightly laughing.

He was going to say something, but stopped when we saw Jax on one knee.

"Ally... Will you make me the happiest man in life skills class and fake marry me? And promise to honor and cherish me until the bell do us part?" Jax asked.

Wow... This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"I do. Let's make a budget for the best fake wedding ever." Ally said.

And with that, Jax went back to his seat. Which was sadly still next to me.

"You two make such a cute couple, just like Philip and I used to be. He stole my heart... Then he stole my waffle maker."

Okay. Didn't need to know that.

"I know how you feel. I was a cute couple once. Her name was Carrie. Probably still is." Dez said.

Poor Dez. Wait- Dez?

"I'm sorry. Are you supposed to be in our class?"

Probably not.

"Nope." Dez said and got up.

Then I saw him walke over to Austin really quick.

I didn't care, so I turned back around.

"Congrats on the fake engagement, dude. But if you break her heart, you'll be six feet under." I said, to Jax.

He saluted.

I smiled and continued doodling.

How the hell are we going to plan a baby shower?

That should be future me's problem.

It was a bit later, and Austin and I were by our lockers.

"Alright, fake baby daddy, you ready to start planning a fake baby shower?" I asked.

"Yeah, Ms. Townsend gave us a budget. We just have to figure out how much pretend money we can spend on stuff like decortation, food, and a bounce house." Austin said.

"If I can't use it, you can't either." I said.

He pouted and I gave him a small kiss.

Jax's Pov

Ally and I were looking over the budget we were given.

"Hey, you know what we should do?" Ally said.

"Go get food?" I said, but it came out more like a question.

"No, for our presentation. Let's dress up like a bride and groom." Ally said.

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