Comebacks & Crystal Balls

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Azzy's Pov

We were all in the practice room, when Dez came in.

"Hear ye, hear ye. Hear ye, hear ye. I hereby call to order the first team Austin meeting in many a fortnight, and out forth the decree that we don our tricorn hats." Dez said.


"Dez, why are you talking like that?" Austin asked.

"And why are you dressed like that?" Me and Ally asked.

"I don't know. It's been so long since we had a team Austin meeting that I don't remember what to do." Dez said.

He's usually and idiot.

"Oh, ususally you make weird suggestions and act like a total doof." Jax said.

Yep, pretty much.

"Oh, good. So I'm doing the right thing."

"Well, since jimmy Starr lifted Austin's performance ban, I've got an announcement. Guess who booked Austin's comeback concert!" Trish said.

"Thank you!"

"Trish, that's amazing!" Ally said.

"Oh, it's gonna feel so good to be back up on stage again."

Finally! He won't be moping anymore.

Shut it!

"It's gonna feel so good to have a best friend I can be proud of again." Dez said.

How rude.

"Thanks?" Austin said.

"This show is gonne be huge." Jax said.


"Your fans haven't seen you perform in so long. They're going to expect something incredible." I added.

I heard Dez gasp from beside me.

"Which means we need a spectacular entrance. Lucky for you, I've had a lot of time to think about this, so I have a few idea." Dez said.

And he pulled out a roll, which seemed like a really long list.

Oh boy.

"Number one: Ride in on a camel. Could be on hump or two, but two's a bit more expensive. Ride in on an ostrich. Could be male or female, but male's a little more violent...."

I decided to tune out Dez. Once he got to the reindeer, the five of us looked at each other and decided to leave. But Dez follwed us eaither way.

"Okay, just one more store." Austin said as the both of us stopped by the food court.

"Moon, I know you're excited, but you already bought 12 different jacket options for your comback performance. I don't even shop this much, so please pick one so we can get food." I said.

"Well, I can't choose. They're all so different." Austin said.

"Oh, really? Tell me, what's the difference between these two?" I asked, holding up two jackets that looked exactly the same.

"This one's sky blue and this one's blue sky."

I looked at him, trying not to smile.

"Hey, check it out! A fortune teller. Maybe she can help me decide." Austin said.

I laughed a bit, and turned around.

"Good one. What goofball is gonna walk up to a stranger in the mall and say, 'here's my money. Tell me my future'." I said.

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