Season 2

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Hi! Again.

Azzy and the rest of Team Austin are back for Season 2.

Ally and Azzy still work together at Sonic boom. But this time, instead of  focusing on just art, Azzy will start exploring her love for writing and making music. But don't get her wrong she "doesn't sing" at all. Well, that is until she does and realizes she loves being on stage.

And what happens when Austin asks her to become one of his songwriters. Since she already helps him and Ally write songs anyway. He just wants her to an official songwriter.

Or what about when she finds out that Austin heard the songs she's written about him. Obviously he doesn't know they're about him, but he still has a weird feeling knowing that the songs are about someone. (But he won't tell anyone about that.)

Azzy will still be going through her normal up's and down's. School, homework, working with Austin and Ally, working at Sonic boom, being Dez's assistant, plus balancing her humongous crush on her Moon. (And he also slowly realizes he likes his best friend too.)  

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