Deejays & Demos

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Azzy's Pov

Ally and I were working today. Right now we were talking to, as I would put it, an old man.

"Are you sure you want 'this' guitar, sir? It's just that we don't sell many of these to people your age." I explained.

I think I offended him. Oops. He pulled down his glasses, which we just noticed.

"Cause you have to be at least 21, and clearly you're not. Can I see your I.D. please?" Ally said.

Thank you Ally.

He grabbed the guitar and played an awesome riff. Ally and I looked at him awestruck.

"Will you be our grandpa?" we asked him.

He nodded and then put the guitar back on the rack.

"Guess who got a job at the Greeting Card Store?" We turned around and saw Trish.

Another day, another job.

Both Ally and I walked towards her.

"Here, give this to me." she said holding out a card.

"Okay." I said and took the card.

I gave it to Ally and she gave it back to Trish.

"Congratulations on your new job. Aw, thanks. You shouldn't have." She said and pulled Ally and me into a hug.

"It was nothing." we said to her. Ally walked behind the counter and I was standing next to Trish.

Austin and Dez came running in.

"You're not gonna believe this. Dez give 'em the news." Austin said.

"Um, sure. The mayor gave a speech today, there's a ten percent chance of rain, and in sports, the Dolphins-" Dez said, but was cut off.

"No, not that news. I'm doing my first radio interview. Miami Mack from FM 109 is broadcasting live from the beach." Austin said.

"That's great Austin. Ooh, here." Trish said, handing Austin a card.

"Congratulations on your first radio interview.." He opens the card. " from the beach? I didn't know they made cards for that." he said.

"They make cards for everything." Trish explains. Okay then.

"That's amazing, moon!" I said and gave him a hug. Which he returned. This feels nice.

I reluctantly let go. I don't think he noticed. Ugh! I hate having crushes!

Ally walked around from behind the counter and towards Austin.

"Austin, this is huge. Miami Mack is the most popular DJ in Florida." she said.

"I'm surprised you know who he is. I thought you only listened to dorky books on tape." Wait does he mean audio books?

Either way. He's right.

"Whaaaaat? All the cool kids listen to Miami Mack in the morning." Ally said.

"He's on in the afternoon." Both Austin and I said to her.

"Uhhh, morning is what he cool kids call the afternoon." she said.

Ally sat down to organize some CD's and I walked over to help her.

"Ugh. This whole interview thing must be so hard for you, Ally." Dez said to her.

What is he talking about.

"What do you mean?" Yeah. I'd like to know that too.

He sits down next to us and tried to help.

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