Bad Seeds & Bad Dates

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Azzy's Pov

We were all at the factory today.

Why can't I finish these songs?!

"Guys, you know what we should do tonight? See the new Zaliens movie!" Austin said.

"Oh, yeah! Zaliens 24: Zaliens vs. Cyborgs. They said, 'We'll be back',.." Trish said.

"And they are!" I continued.

"Zalien brain suck!" Dez, Trish and Jax yelled. Then they did the brain suck.

Oh how I missed hearing that.

"I hear the first four hours of the movie are really good. But then it gets kinda slow. But then the last two hours are epic!" Dez said.

I really wanna see the movie.

"You know what else we could do tonight? Not waste nine hours of our lives on that movie." Ally said.

Really? Why must she ruin our fun?

We heard whistling, and here comes dad.

"Good morning, everybody! Isn't it a beautiful day? Hey, Dez! Good to see you, buddy!" Dad said.

And hugged Dez!

Ally and I looked at each other and slowly got up from our seats.

"Uh, dad, are you feeling okay?" Ally asked.


"Dad, you're hugging Dez." I said.

"I'm just happy." Dad said.

And let go of Dez.

Well, he must be extremely happy, cause he hugged Dez.

"You don't seem like yourself." Trish said.


"Maybe he's not himself. Maybe Zaliens  replaced Lester with a cyborg, like in the movie. Let's squirt water on him and see if he short-circuits." Dez said.

Then he took Austin's water bottle and threw the water on dad. Our jaws dropped.

We're dead.

"Oh, Dez. Your shenanigans always make me chuckle." Dad said and actually chuckled.

"They do?" Austin asked.

Okay, who is this and what has he done with my father.

"Well, I just came by to see where you hung all the paintings I made for you, you know, of the giraffes doing people stuff." Dad said.

We all looked at each other.

Completely forgot about that.

"Oh! Uh... We're still looking for the perfect place to put them." Ally said.

"Right now, we're keeping them in that trash... painting... storage... container bucket." I said, trying to come up with a name for the trash can since Ally elbowed me.

"Wait, that trash can's a painting storage container bucket? Ugh! I just thre a banana peel in there." Dez said.

"Anyhoo, I'm off to paint some more giraffes. I've had this amazing surge of creativity lately. Oh! You guys ordered a pizza. Let me get that for you. Extra 15 cents for you." Dad said, paying the pizza man.

And with that, Dad walked out and all three boys ran over to the pizza.

"Did he just pay for our pizza?" Trish asked.

"He is not well." Austin said.

No, he's not.

"Wait a minute. Look at my dad's paintings. Giraffes sharing a milkshake. Giraffes cuddling in a gondola." Ally said.

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