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Six years have passed.

A young man was seated on a chair. His back was laid against it and the posture of his body was relaxed as if he was asleep. The pair of cat like eyes were closed at the moment. Beside him was a huge table filled with flower bouquets of different colours and different types. The card attatched to these bouquets belonged to the same sender. And if inspected closely, there were ambiguous words of affection written on it.
Even Nulis was touched by how pasionate and affectionate the sender was when pursuing it's host. Moreover, the sender was not the over stalker type to invade its partner's private time. He was pursuing while keeping his distance yet at the same time he never let his eyes stray away from the person we was pursuing.
Six years have passed. Ivar never thought that he would end up staying in this world for so long.

Ring. Ring.

The pair of cat like eyes opened slowly. He picked up the phone. The caller ID displayed on the screen read 'Shinjiro.'
"Hello." He spoke.

"Makato, oh...." Shinjiro stuttered. "How are I mean, how are you doing?" The way he was speaking with his voice shaking a bit, even Nulis could tell something amazing has happened.
The system giggled at how cute this person was being right now. Such a pure person like Shinjiro, it was hard to not like him.

Ivar chuckled lightly. "What? Did he finally proposed to you?"

The person on the other side was silent.

"What? Don't tell me he still haven't yet? If so maybe I should go and beat him up....."

Shinjiro squealed a bit. "He...he did. Yesterday he knelt down before me and with a ring on his lips he kissed me and...and...."

Even through the phone Ivar could feel the blush adorning Shinjiro's cheeks as he told him about the romantic propose scene.
"Is that so? Congratulations. I am so happy for you."
They talked for a bit more before he finally set down the phone on the table. While doing so his eyes lingered on the flowers for a bit before he turned his eyes away from it. Ivar walked over to the window. He stared at the world outside.

"I want to grow old with him, wake up everyday next to him, seeing his face first thing in the morning, and love him as if there is no tomorrow.....telling him I love you everyday....and feeling so blessed to have him by my side...."

Shinjiro's words echoed in his mind.
Really! "Really! Good for you." He thought. Good for you that you found someone like that. Good for them.

A few days later the people on the internet were causing a huge commotion. The news of the heir of the Takahashi household getting married to the Elite Takumi family dominated the top searches. The couple had been public for a few years already and now they were tying the knot with each other, there were so many people who were so happy for the Omega bride. Getting married and bonding with the alpha they loved, it was a distant dream most omegas could only think of. It was inevitable that the marriage news managed to arouse some envy and jealousy from some people. Moreover, the wedding ceremony was going to be held privately. Some were outraged by the news. Their dreams of seeing the couple exchange wedding rings on screen was shattered.
During this time the couple were already receiving their guests at the wedding venue.

"Congratulations. And welcome to the world of married life."

"Congratulations on your marriage. The Ayazawa family wishes the best for you two."


Both Shinjiro and Kenta thanked them as the guests showered them with gifts and words of congratulations. But his eyes kept straying towards the doorway as if he was waiting for somebody. Kenta saw the face Shinjiro was making. He knew what he was thinking. Hugging him lightly he spoke. "Don't worry. He said he will be here."