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Guang Wang Lei played with this stranger a little bit. But he was surely very surprised by how strong the stranger was. Then he noticed something strange. The stranger seemed to be talking to himself from time to time. Specially when the stranger in Chu Gui's body gazed at him with shocked eyes Guang Wang Lei immediately felt an additional presence in Chu Gui's body.
His lips curved.

Yup! This guy is definitely not Chu Gui! He thought to himself.


He closed the distance between them in a split of second. Then Guang Wang Lei caught the stranger by his neck.

"Chu Gui was not this strong. Who are you to actually be able to take on my attack at its peak?"
When he said these words he saw the pair of eyes glaring at him fluctuate a little bit.

"You are not him. Who are you?" Upon questioning he didn't get an answer but instead he was punched by the stranger in Chu Gui's body.

"..." He was surely taken aback. Blood trickled down from the corner of his mouth. Guang Wang Lei has forgotten the last time he was caused to bleed.
Not bad. He thought to himself. Letting the stranger go he looked at him with great interest. Somone was able to injure him after such a long time.

"Let's fight." He demanded. Then he did just what he has said. When they fought he realised that this guy was not using his crimson red mana. That majestic colour he saw before never showed itself again.
Hm....maybe there was some sort of obstacle preventing this guy from using it. In the end he saw the stranger exhaust all his mana. His body dropped down towards the ground.
Guang Wang Lei stared down at his falling body with cold eyes.

Should he leave? He came to this world to see if he could find his parents alive but instead he ended up entering during the timeline of the final battle. Since they weren't here either he had no reason to stay. However..... If he leave now he will probably go back to his world or travel around...

If so.....

Why not just stick around this interesting person?

His eyes gazed down at the body that was about to hit the ground. Disappearing from where he stood he saved the body that was about to be smashed. He then again, noticed a strange occurence. The depleted mana was slowly being poured back into the person before him. Who was this person? And why was he in Chu Gui's body right now? What about that additional presence in him?
Guang Wang Lei even thought about killing him.....but.....he was intrigued.

Fine. I won't kill you.

He took him back to the palace. But the stranger didn't open his eyes for enitre two days. During this time Guang Wang Lei would come over to check him.

"So strange."

Guang Wang Lei hated Chu Gui to the bones. He wanted to skin alive the body before him. However the soul residing inside it was an amusing one.
When will you wake up? I still have some plans for you. So wake up soon.

The stranger did wake up later. When he went to visit him, he saw it again. Tsk. That guy was talking to someone else again. If I can't see it then I guess it must be connected to his soul.

Guang Wang Lei took him to a room to chat for a bit. During this time he tried to subjugate this person before him with his aura. But the stranger did not submit.
Interesting. Guang Wang Lei has never seen someone who was able to resist his intimidation. When he asked for this person's identity again, he was thrown back with the same question.