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For a second he thought he had heard it wrong. So he called for him again.

Ivar frowned, staring at him with cold eyes. "Please don't call my name as if you know me. Who are you? I don't know you."

Those cold eyes gazing at him.....

Harry blocked his little brother's view, shielding him from that suspicious man. That man had silky green hair. His hair was tied loosely, with a pair of red eyes piercing at their youngest brother, that suspicious person was leering at their Bar. Judging from his ears Harry knew that this person was a fairy. But...
He have never seen or heard of anyone with such appearance.
"Who are you? How do you know our Bar?"

Our Bar? Guang Wang Lei glared at the person who just spoke. It was a a young man. He was a Goblin. His eyes noticed the subtle movement of that young man's hand falling onto his Kitty's shoulder. His eyes flashed with immense dislike.
"Put your hand away from him. Don't you dare touch my kitty!" He threatened.

"You! What did you just say?" Harry snarled back at him.

"Brother, let's just gouge out his eyes for daring to lay his eyes on our baby chan!" The twins got up as well, their bodies rising with a menacing aura.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

"Hm. Interesting!" Jes observed the scene with deep interest. His eyes fell on the beautiful Goblin prince called Bar, who was disregarding the unknown guy.
Does he really don't know or is he pretending not to know him? It was hard to tell.

The onlookers murmured to themselves in low voices. Even king Rhiem was tensed up with this sudden threatening development playing out of nowhere.
Amidst this tension everyone failed to notice the face of the fairy queen who was amongst the onlookers. Her face was twisting with horror, the fear obvious in her eyes as she stared at the man who was the centre of the ruckus. Her lips trembled realising the identity of that man.

Maria and Peter stood up as well. Their eyes were narrowing at that strange man calling their son's name affectionately. Their Bar had never associated himself with outside world so there was no chance of them knowing each other. How dare he! How dare he look at their darling son with such lustful eyes!

The Goblin family was warming up for a battle.

"Bar, I am sorry. I know I should have come sooner but when I ordered them to send you a letter I had no idea that it would take so much time for me..... Bar...."
Guang Wang Lei looked at his angry kitty with pleading eyes, attempting to earn his attention.

Letter? Ivar snickered. He didn't get any though. Picking up a dish and tossing it in his mouth he replied while chewing. "I don't even know you and you are talking about sending me letters? I am a sheltered child so there is no way I know you."

"woah. So petty!" Nulis never knew his partner could be this childish when he was angry. Ivar knew no shame, lying without batting an eyelid.

"You heard baby chan, right? He does not know you. You are clearly a suspicious person. A fairy, at that. Surely it must be one of their shallow tricks!" Jude snickered at him.
While he was speaking Maria sent a death glare towards that annoying bitchy queen. If she dares to target her children she was going to kill her mercilessly. 

Not good! Guang Wang Lei realised that he was in deep trouble. He had already delayed his time with Bar by six years and now this! He had realised at that moment that the letter he requested for was never sent. A murderous glint flashed through his eyes for a second. But this dire situation needed to be addressed first.
"Barr.... Li.."