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For someone so young like him to be abused at such a tender age, indeed, he needed to meet this kid once. He was not the type to beat around the bush so he asked the child another question whilst carefully observing the little bun's facial expressions.

"If you live here, you can have all of these whenever you want."

The little bun tilted his head towards him. His eyes seemed to lit up for a brief second but they disappeared shortly after.
"Mother won't like it."

"She scares you?"

The little guy node his head. He poked the tender meat with chopsticks.

"Are we family?"

Guang Wang Lei heard the little guy ask him again. He leaned back a bit. "When I was young I met a stranger. He taught me everything I didn't knew. I lived for a very long time with him. I do consider him as a real family."

"Like your father?"

"No." Guang Wang Lei chuckled lightly. "Like an elder brother."

"Ahh...."  He made an o gesture with his mouth.

"So? Do you want to live with me?" While asking him this question he carefully observed the child's reaction. He couldn't let this little guy be abused at such a young age. He himself knew what abuse felt like so there was no way he could ignore it.
He saw the little bun struggling to answer for a very long time. Minutes went by but he was still pondering about what he should answer. 
After what felt like an eternity he finally got an answer.

"I will tell mother first. Then I will come back tomorrow."

There was no way Xing Chu Lin would refuse given how persistently she was seeking to meet him.
Sure enough she came the next day along with the little guy. When they met Guang Wang Lei did not even gave her a glance. Instead he asked the little child.

"I forgot to ask your name yesterday. What are you called little one?"

"....." The little one went silent. He looked up at his mother.

Xing Chu Lin never moved her gaze from the man she wanted ever since they entered this empty palace. She was still staring at Guang Wang Lei. Then she heard him ask for the child's name. Patting the little child lovingly she pinched his face softly as she replied to him. "We call him Little Lei for now. Because I wanted you to name him."
The smile blooming on her face was very bewitching. It could make any man's heart beat crazily with its lovely charm.

But Guang Wang Lei felt nothing when he looked at her lovely smile. Instead he focused his gaze on the little child, who was clearly very uncomfortable.
"Come here."

Tap. Tap.

As soon as he gave the word the little child came running to him. When he was near him he tugged onto his clothes. Looking up he asked Guang Wang Lei, "Are you going to give me a name?"

"Hm....let's see...." Guang Wang Lei thought for a while. Liang? Jie? No! When he looks at the little bun... "Ru. Guang Ru."

Guang Ru looked up at him. "Guang Ru?" When he said this his little hand slid into Guang Wang Lei's.

"Let's get you something to eat."

The two left the third person in the dust.

Xing Chu Lin's eyes turned red with envy. Her hands clenched into a fist, the long fingernails digging into her skin, on the verge of bruising her fair hands.
Even though she should be happy that Lei Lei had given this child his surname name, which meant he probably acknowledges him as his child, she felt bitter. She stood there for a long time before calming herself down to follow them.