Call Me Peter | Peter Parker [TH]

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Ever since the lab mishap, you had been different. Something had gone wrong with one of the plants. Somehow, a thorn pricked you in the mess of the experiment and you were left with the ability to control plants.

It was a neat ability. You liked how your mother's tiny garden in front of the apartment always looked healthy and full. She prided herself on her gardening skills, and that made her happy. You liked your mother's smile when she thought she was the reason her tomatoes came out bright red.

With your powers, you found that it was your duty to take care of the citizens of Queens. You often worked alongside Spider-Man, a young boy you have never met that hid behind a mask.

You weren't exactly obvious with who you were, either. You liked to keep it hidden. You didn't want anyone to know that you, the biggest outsider in Midtown High, was Ivy, one of the famous superheroes in Queens. It would draw more attention to you than you could handle.

You hid yourself behind a face full of wild, voluminous curls and a slick, dark green mask. Anyone who knew you well enough would recognize you by your eyes. They had turned a bright green - the color of leaves in the early spring.

Good thing no one ever looked at you. No one at school even knew you.

You were leaning against the wall of the corner store, playing with your fingers and watching the tiny weeds grow longer out of the cracks of the sidewalk. It was a boring night. You were considering turning in early.

"Not even Spider-Man showed up today," you mumbled, snorting.

"What didn't I show up for?"

You jumped slightly. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear," you said, glancing up at the man clinging to the side of the building. "I was just thinking out loud. It's a boring night. I figured you were sound asleep... or at a party," you added.

"Nah, parties ain't for me," he said.

You nodded. Truthfully, you wanted to know who Spider-Man was. You daydreamed about finding out often, but since you never really spoke to anyone at school, you weren't sure who he was. All you knew was that he went to school with you.

"Me neither," you admitted.

He climbed down the wall. "Guess you're not Heather M., then."

"Heather M.," you said, dumbfounded. You scoffed and crossed your arms. "You thought I was a senior? A blonde and preppy one, no less!"

"Sorry," he said, holding up his hands. "I'm working with what I've got. You don't give away much, you know."

"Then you're not looking for the right thing," you said.

Both you and Peter stiffened when you heard the breaking of glass. You quickly and silently ran to the end of the alleyway, where a man in heavy, dark clothes was climbing into the corner store through a broken window.

Spider-Man was above you, clinging to the wall. "Finally," he said, reading your mind.

"How you wanna take him out, Spidey?" you asked, a smirk on your face.

"Let's have some fun with him," he said lightly. "He seems like your everyday, this is my first robbery kind of guy."

"Yeah, I can see that," you said.

Together, you both walked to the broken glass window. The man was at the register, trying to pry open the drawer with a crowbar.

Spider-Man silently snuck in through the shattered glass. It was easier for him to do it silently since he was able to stick to walls. You, on the other hand, weren't sure how you were gonna fit with your shorter form.

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