I'll Be There (Part Two) | Peter Parker [TH]

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When you came to, your mind was foggy and every thought that popped into your head was slow. A dull ache began spreading itself across every inch of your brain. You wanted to groan, but you weren't sure where your lips were.

You couldn't remember a thing - had you fallen asleep in your bed? Oh crap - did you miss Peter? When was he coming over? You should really be getting up...

Oh. The dull ache was getting worse by the second. A groan was formed in your throat. If you could just find your lips...



Why are you smelling smoke?

Your first quick though. A flash of a car swerving out of the lane and hitting you head on. The scream you let out.

And somehow your eyes opened.

Slowly, at first, peeling away from wetness stuck to your eyelashes. You couldn't see anything until you blinked a couple of times, and then you realized that you were staring at your arm, which had a needle poking out of it. Your skin looked sickly and bruised against the white sheets. You wore a paper thin gown.

And jeez - you really hurt.

You let out your groan. Lifting your head, which took a lot of effort, your eyes landed on a table at the side of your bed, where a boy was standing, looking at flowers. Peter.

"Hey," he said softly, and he walked around the bed quickly. He knelt at your side and took your hand, eyes scanning you to be sure he avoided the red and purple bruises that were consuming your body. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

"I hurt," you said, and you sounded like a child. You whimpered. "I hurt. What happened to me?"

"Car accident," he said.

You nodded, feeling tears in your eyes. Your car was probably totaled. And you could have died.

"Am I okay?" you asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah, you're okay."

A moment passed. "Did you save me?"

He nodded again.

"Thank you," you breathed, and he looked down. He raised himself up a little and carefully draped his arm over your stomach. He laid his head on your shoulder and then stayed there.

"I thought..." His voice was thick and shaky. "I thought I was going to lose you. Pulling you out of there was the most terrifying thing I have ever done."

"But you did it," you said. "Thank you."

"I had to do it," he told you, his fingers stroking your other arm. "It's you."

Your heart fluttered before you were thrown into a fit of worry. You didn't want to have a panic attack, not now, but it was getting bad.

"The person who hit me," you said. "Was he or she okay? Did they have kids in the car?"

"No, no, it was just a man," he said. "He lived. He has a shattered arm and a broken collarbone, but he's okay." Peter pushed a piece of hair out of your face and sat up to look at you. He shook his head.

"What?" you asked.

"You could have died this afternoon and you're worrying about a man that hit you," he said. "I'd say you're stupid, but I think you're just like that. Selfless and nice."

"Same for you, Pete," you said, smiling softly. "You saved me."

He looked down, cheeks pink. "I almost lost you."

"But you didn't. And I'm going to be around to annoy you for a really long time, so start getting used to it."

He laughed and leaned his head right back on your shoulder. You looked down at your skin.

"What's the damage? Is anything broken, or-?"

His finger trailed across your wrist. "Sprained wrist, they think. You have one rib broken and your knees are bruised enough that there might be some damage. You probably have a concussion, so you'll be in here for a few days." When you sighed, he looked up. "But I'll stay here. It's family only, but I'll tell them that you're my sister or something."

You smiled. "Okay. Do that."

"I will," he said. He grinned.

A knock on the door made you both look up.

Ned stepped in, carrying a vase of flowers that he was staring at. "Hey, I didn't know what flowers she would like. I got her these, but I don't know... she might think they're ugly..." He looked up and saw that you were awake. "___!" He gasped and hurried over, putting the flowers on the table. "Oh my gosh, I thought you were going to die. We were so scared, weren't we Pete? I mean, wow-"

"Hi, Ned," you replied softly. "Thank you for the flowers. They're actually really pretty."

"Yeah," he said, scratching his head. "Much better than these weird orange ones, huh?" He poked a vase full of a variety of orange blooms.

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed. "I got her those, dude."

You laughed. "I think they're all really pretty. Thank you, guys. For everything." You took both of their hands and held them.

"Sucks that you're gonna miss the math quiz," Ned said. "That'll be a pain to make up."

"Yeah," you agreed. You sucked in a deep breath but it hurt your lungs so deeply that you winced. Peter sat up and rubbed your shoulder gently, helping you to fight through the wave of twisting pain in your body. "I... I guess I should just be grateful to still be alive." You hissed and let go of their hands to touch your belly, where the pain was still throbbing.

"I should get the nurse," Peter said, starting to get up.

"I will," Ned said, and he walked out fast. "Nurse!"

"I'm really tired, Pete," you mumbled, slumping in your bed.

Peter's hand replaced yours on your belly and he rubbed, trying to help the pain. "Okay, sleep then."

"You won't leave?" you asked, eyelids heavy.

"Never," he said.

"Promise?" Barely, you held up your pinky. Peter looked like he might cry before he hooked his finger with yours and nodded.

"I promise."

Your eyelids closed and you smiled, hearing the words in your head.

I promise.

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