Cannot Be Taken Away | Peter Parker [AG]

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You stared at Peter's unresponding eyes. You had just said something to him that would normally bring a laugh out of him. After a moment of silence between both of you, you began counting the days in your head.

Then you understood.

"Peter," you said softly.

He was staring somewhere to your left. You slid your hand across the table, pushing your arm between the two Cokes. You brushed your fingers against his knuckles.

"Peter," you said again.

His eyes shifted to yours. He swallowed hard and you smiled sadly. Your heart ached for him so badly.

"Is it today?"

He nodded. He dropped his eyes to the basket of fries and cheeseburger that he had yet to touch. "Three years now."

"Why didn't you tell me?" you asked. "I wouldn't have invited you to come with me if I remembered..."

"I... I thought I would be okay," he explained. "Aunt May said it would be good to get out and hang out with you. She thinks you help me more than I know."

You suppressed a smile. You knew you helped him. Peter had a lot of grief to deal with and sometimes it would help him just to leave it behind for a while.

"Peter," you whispered, "do you want to leave?"

He thought for a moment. Then, he shook his head.

"Are you sure? I'll even pay for your food," you said.

You reached for your wallet that sat on the space next to you in the booth. You opened it and counted the few bills you had in there. It was hard for you to pay for anything. You had lost your job, your apartment, everything. It was a struggle to keep up with it all.

Peter knew that. His eyebrows pulled together and he shook his head, taking the wallet from your hands. He closed it.

"I'll pay for everything," he said. He smiled, an attempt to lighten the mood. "Maybe I'll even buy you a slice of strawberry pie."

"That would be nice," you said.

"Aren't I always nice?" he asked. He turned towards the waiter that was standing by the door and texting. "Um, waiter. One slice of strawberry pie."

The waiter looked at you. You smiled. "Please."

He rolled his eyes and forced himself to walk to the main counter. You widened your eyes and looked at Peter, who snickered.

"I don't know why you like this place so much," he griped. "The workers are horrible."

You shrugged and plucked a fry out of his basket. "Good food." You chewed it and swallowed. "We don't have to come here anymore, if you don't want."

He furrowed his eyebrows at you again. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Offer to give up everything you like so I'll be happy," he said.

You shrugged and looked down. In truth, you had done everything in your life for Peter Parker. He was your best friend - had been since high school - and you had never left his side. You stuck with him after he became Spider-Man, when he lost Ben, when he lost Gwen.

And of course you had developed feelings for him, but you never dreamed of admitting them. It wasn't that you were scared, because you weren't. Peter would love you no matter what happened. You were afraid of hurting him.

When he had lost Gwen, you almost lost him, too. You knew Gwen. You knew she was sweet and funny and exactly what he needed. You also knew that you could never be more for him than he was.

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