Stay | Peter Parker [TH]

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Peter knew that him being friends with you meant that you were in danger. He knew that every time he went out with you, that was putting you one step closer to getting hurt or used against him. Worst of all, he knew that the more he was with you, the more he fell in love with you, and that made it ten times worse.

The day it finally came wasn't a good day to begin with.

He had attempted to distance himself from you. He just wanted to keep you safe without you knowing that he had kept a secret from you for years, but he screwed it up like always. It was a sunny Tuesday morning and you had excitedly waved at him from across the hallway. He forced himself to frown, look away, and ignore it.

But before he could look away, he saw your face. You looked shocked and hurt, and then guilty. As if he wanted to make it worse, he slammed his locker out of annoyance of himself, giving you the impression that he was mad at you.

In math that day, he got a text. You always sat three rows behind him, so he couldn't see you.

peter - did i do something wrong?

He put his phone away, frowning deeply at himself.

The cloud that had already been hovering over you consumed you, making you fold in on yourself and the grey.


After school, you followed Peter. You wanted to apologize but were too afraid of the blow up that could follow. If he was done with you, for whatever reason, you couldn't take it.

Peter walked to a sub shop, picked up a sub, and then walked to an alley. Odd. You followed a few feet behind. If he was buying food, why wouldn't he go straight home?

You turned into the alley with him. At first, you didn't see him. Just as you were about to forget it and go mope at home, you saw his curly brown hair pop out from behind a dumpster. A second later, he yanked a red mask over his head.

You gasped, slapping your hand over your mouth to cover the noise. You pressed yourself to the building to your right, concealing yourself out of his sight.

You watched as Peter popped up again, jumped to the wall, and climbed up the side.

Peter was Spider-Man.

You weren't sure how you felt. First, you were upset that he didn't trust you enough to tell you. Second, you were still wondering what you did wrong - and on top of that, you were in complete shock.

You started to back away. You kept going until a hand slapped over your mouth and dragged you backwards.


"Come on, Queens. Gimme something good," Peter mumbled, eyeing the ground below. "Karen, please tell me something is going on."

"There appears to be a robbery twenty feet below you. It's a young woman."

"Oh sweet," he said. He looked over the edge of the building. A man in black was yanking at a girl's school bag. She was fighting back as hard as she could. "What a loser. I'm gonna- hey! That's ___- whoa! Hey, get away from her!" He jumped off the ledge, shooting a web to the next corner.

"Peter!" you yelled, swinging your head towards him.

His heart dropped. He forced his voice into a deep one. "Uh - don't - don't worry, Spider-Man is here-"

The robber panicked at the sight of the masked hero. He whipped out a small handgun and pushed it up against your temple. At the feeling of cold metal against your skin, you froze.

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