Trying To Believe | Peter Parker [TH]

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You weren't the type of girl to attract guys, or anyone for that matter. You didn't appear approachable to people in your classes. You were the odd one out, the one that sat alone and quiet at her desk and read, the one that rarely spoke.

And so it surprised you greatly when Peter Parker (the nicest guy in Midtown, you thought) asked you out on a date. And it surprised you even more that you said yes without hesitation.

He met you on your doorstep one Saturday afternoon. The ground was half covered in melting snow. The sunshine was white and dull even in the noontime. He chatted with you lightly as you walked alongside him on the sidewalk, wondering what he was planning on doing for your very first date.

You had your hands stuffed deep in your pockets, warm in the gloves they were covered in. You hoped silently that you wouldn't get too hot on this date and have to carry your scarf and coat and hat in your arms uncomfortably -

"You look very pretty, by the way," Peter said shyly.

You looked at him in surprise. Then, blushing, you ducked your head until your grinning mouth slipped under the cover of your scarf. "Thank you," you said.

You were far too shy to say anything besides that.

After a few moments, you nodded towards his bare hands, chapped and red from the cold. "Aren't your hands freezing, Peter?" you asked.

"Oh, yeah," he said, blushing red. "But I lost my gloves. They were, um, stolen."

"That stinks," you replied. He nodded. "Maybe we should go inside somewhere so you don't freeze."

"Sure," he said. He looked around, stretching up on his toes as he observed. A smile graced his thin lips as he leaned back on his heels and looked at you. "I know this sounds stupid, but you don't happen to want ice cream, do you?"

You grinned. "Ice cream sounds great," you said.

"Awesome," he said. He gestured ahead. "I know this really great place. Let's go-" He started off, pausing only to hesitate for one moment in his steps. He placed a single cold hand on the small of your back. Although you wore three layers on your torso, you swore you felt it.

The ice cream shop was small and warm inside. It had several chairs covered in chipped white paint. Peter walked you to the front and pulled out his wallet. He asked the woman at the freezer for two scoops of cookie dough and, after turning to you, a single scoop of chocolate and peppermint.

You both sat down in the back, spoons in hand, shovelling soft serve into your mouths. It made your teeth ache and your body freeze, but it was amazing nonetheless.

All the while, Peter told stories of how he had often found himself staring at you and didn't realize until his best friend, Ned, told him to just ask you out. You couldn't believe it. Stuff like that didn't happen. Not to girls like you, anyway. That's what you told Peter.

"What do you mean it doesnt happen?" he asked. He was talking funny because his mouth was frozen.

"It just doesn't happen to girls like me," you repeated. You shrugged. "We don't get... boys."

"Well, maybe it doesn't happen all of the time," he admitted, and he leaned forward a little. "But it has to happen sometimes, because I'm having ice cream with you right now."

You smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Outside in the cold again, Peter was shaking. You stepped closer to him, frowning as he shivered. "Do you want to find someplace else?"

"N-no, we can walk," he said.

"Peter," you said slowly. "I won't be able to live with myself if you're freezing and I'm warm."

He smiled. "Yeah, w-well, I want this to be a good date."

You grinned. "It is a good date." You nudged him to the next closest shop - a dollar store. "C'mon."

You went inside with him and grabbed a cart. He laughed at you as you shed off your layers and then handed him your scarf. He was so cold, he actually wrapped it around his neck inside.

"So what should we look at first? Anything you really need?"

He thought for a minute. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to get May stuff for Christmas cards..."

"Christmas cards it is," you said, pushing the cart in the direction of the card aisle.

You helped Peter pick out the best box of Christmas cards in the store. Then you grabbed a box for yourself, mostly so you could have am excuse to send one to Peter's house after this.

He followed you around everywhere, grabbing random things like a pack of white socks for gym and a five dollar DVD of The Iron Giant. When you looked at him, he shrugged.

"For Ned's Christmas present," he explained. He tossed the movie in. "He would never tell anybody this, but he cries every time he watches it."

You snickered. "Who doesn't?"

You wheeled the cart to the check out. After Peter grabbed a pack of peppermint gum, he jogged ahead and placed all of the items on the belt. He pulled out his wallet again while you observed the end aisle of Christmas decorations.

"___," he said. You looked at him. "You can pick something up and put it here."

You smiled and grabbed a tiny plastic snowglobe. Inside was a small snowman with sticks for arms. You walked up next to Peter and placed it on the belt. He stared at you with a fond smile on his face.

After he checked out and you bundled up again, you went outside. He handed you one of the bags. "Here," he said. "Merry Christmas."

You grinned. "Thanks!" You clutched the yellow plastic bag tight. "I was wondering if you were gonna get me a pack of forty two Christmas cards."

"And I did!" he laughed.

You and Peter wandered around for a while, but ended up on a park bench, bags at your feet. You told one another stories and talked for nearly an hour before Peter groaned.

"Oh my gosh," he said, burying his nose in the scarf of yours he was still wearing. "The ice cream killed me. If you don't hug me now, I'll lose limbs due to frostbite."

You couldn't help but laugh for a second. Then, because you weren't feeling as shy as before, you scooted closer and wrapped your arms around him. He let you pull him closer and even leaned his head against yours. You blushed.

"This is nice," he said after a moment.

"It is," you agreed softly. You nudged him. "But we should get you inside before you freeze to death. Let's go inside before you get sick." You grabbed your bag and stood up. He grabbed his and followed, but before you could walk on, he reached for your hand and took it, pulling you back to him.

He ducked his head, soft chestnut colored curls falling on his forehead. His lips met your cheeks softly. It was barely a kiss, and yet it was everything.

You deserved this, you thought. How many hours did you spend dreaming of this moment? Of the feeling of a hand wrapped around your own, of a warm pair of lips gracing the side of your cold cheeks, of the kind eyes of a boy that was falling in love with you. How long had your heart ached for this moment right here?

And now it was happening, and you were living the life only females in young adult romance novels lived. You wanted to personally thank the author as Peter pulled his face back from yours and gave you the softest, brightest smile that not even the sun could compare to.

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