Disneyland | Flash Thompson [TR]

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You couldn't fight back the tears of joy springing into your eyes as you stepped up onto Main Street, U.S.A. Flash looked at you, grinned and squeezed your hand. You knew you were going to cry the moment you would see the tiny pink castle at the end of the street. Sleeping Beauty Castle, the icon of Disneyland. You were finally seeing it, after months of planning a trip with Flash, your boyfriend.

"Babe, you're gonna ruin your makeup for pictures," he told you.

You sniffed. "I don't care right now, Flash."

He laughed and leaned in, planting a quick kiss to your forehead. He unfolded the park map and looked at it. "Okay, we can start at Fantasyland-"

"I want to get a picture in front of the castle first," you said. "Oh! And I want a pair of classic ears. I wore my red skirt to match them, okay? Don't look at me like that. You know this is my dream!"

He still laughed at you. "I love you, so it's okay if I laugh at you," he said.

You shook your head. "That literally makes no sense, babe."

"Sure it does," he said. "Okay. Ears, picture, then the Teacups, because that'll be the most fun-"

"No, before the teacups, I want to meet the princesses," you said. He gave you a look. "Flash, babe... Ariel is there. And Cinderella!" You grabbed his short sleeve and pulled it. "Please, babe. It's all I want, okay?"

"Okay," he said gently. "But you gotta ride Space Mountain with me twice."

You bit your lip. "Twice?"

"Twice," he said.

You huffed. "Fine. C'mon, we're wasting the day! We need to go!" You pulled him forward and ran towards the closest entrance to the gift shop.

Flash bought you a pair of classic ears and you put them on. They hurt your head, but you knew you would be able to fight through the pain. You went to the castle and took a few pictures. He kissed your cheek and then smiled with you, and you felt so lucky to be able to come to Disneyland with him. You were living one of your dreams - and the love of your life was with you.

You went through Fantasyland, doing the Mad Tea Party after the meet and greets and stopping for more pictures. Flash really wanted to just get to Tomorrowland, so you both decided to go around to the other lands later in the trip - because Tomorrowland was what he was most looking forward to, and you just wanted him to be happy.

He was overwhelmed with the look of Tomorrowland. You couldn't help but snap pictures of him, all giddy and nerdy as he looked at the planets and heard the futuristic music. You giggled at him as he approached Space Mountain with a silly grin on his face. He even glanced at Star Tours and said he would try it later. You made a mental note to text Peter and tell him that Disneyland could even change Flash Thompson into a Star Wars fan.

You weren't particularly nervous about Space Mountain until you were seated and the ride was ready to take off. Then the cool, air conditioned air choked you a little bit and you felt more than a bit sick. You shut your eyes as the cast member got ready to set your car off.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Flash asked, worried. "I was just kidding with you. You don't have to do this. Okay?"

"I want to," you said. "I'll be okay." You were lying through your teeth as the car crawled to a start and then, merely seconds later, was launched into a hair-blowing speed through the pitch black and stars.

You screamed and laughed and Flash yelled and laughed, and he reached over and grabbed your shoulder. You giggled and held onto the bar, feeling his fingers press into your skin. The ride was over in minutes and your car came to a stop. Your hair was all around your face and you pushed it back.

Flash helped you out and squeezed your hands. "Again?" he asked.

"Um, yeah," you said.

He grinned wide. "You liked it?"

"Loved it," you said. "Your laugh was so funny!"

"Was not!" he said. "Ugh. Whatever. Okay, so we'll ride again-"

"And then we'll get churros!" you shouted.

He laughed and draped his arm around your shoulders. "Sure, babe. I'll get you a churro."

You ended up riding Space Mountain twice more because the waits weren't bad. Then you jumped in line for Star Tours, annoyed Flash with some pictures and poked fun at him for actually liking Star Wars, and then, after the ride, he went to the bathroom while you browsed the gift shop. You bought him a stuffed Ewok and gave the bag to him when you met him outside. He opened it, laughed, and playfully shoved you. You giggled and kissed him, and he held your hand tight.

"Let's get you a churro, babe," he said, "and then we can go back to Fantasyland for the rest of the day."

You took your time walking there, swinging your arms, stopping at booths to look at ice cream and popcorn bucket selections. He found a cart with churros and ordered you both one, then you walked back to Fantasyland and sat down on a bench, watching families run from ride to ride. As you ate your snacks, he looked at you.

"What?" you asked. The sun was starting to set and the orange was bright in your eyes.

"You're gorgeous," he said.

You nudged him. "Shut up. I know I have cinnamon all over my face-"

"No, I'm serious," he said. "You're gorgeous." He then grinned and nudged you back. "And by the way, you do have cinnamon on your face, princess."

You couldn't help it. You kissed him. He called you princess - and that melted your heart. Because no matter where you were, you thought he was your prince.

And you couldn't wait for the rest of your magical Disney vacation with your prince. 

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