Worst Person I Know | Flash Thompson [TR]

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You screamed as you gripped the silver bars behind you in terror. The entire elevator shook violently, threatening to snap and fall at any minute.

You had no idea how any of it had happened.

Your day had started fine; the competition went great, you got to spend a night in a hotel with your friends, Flash had flirted with you ninety percent of the time, and now he was holding the gold trophy.

Sure, Peter Parker had ditched the group and put the whole competition in jeapordy, and your lipstick didn't match your blazer as well as you thought, and your coffee tastes decaf when you brewed it in the hotel lobby, but your day had been going pretty well.

Up until the point something went wrong with the elevator in the Washington Monument and threatened to take your life away.

It was clear that the whole elevator shaft was about to come down when a rescue team opened up the emergency hatch. You were crouched on the ground, hands gripping the bar above you.

People were talking, Liz was pleading, Ned was yelling. You couldn't focus on any of it. It didn't take a genius to see that you were having a panic attack.

Your heartbeat thudded in your ears and you started have trouble breathing. Your skin went cold and you dropped your head.

Your biggest fear was happening right now.

You remembered when you went on a field trip with the band to Walt Disney World. Flash, your best friend, could ride anything and everything. However, when it was a Hollywood Studios day and the whole class wanted to ride Tower of Terror together, you couldn't do it.

You waited outside and cried on a bench, feeling stupid and afraid. Flash came out of the ride behind everyone else, carrying a bag from the gift shop. He gave you a stuffed Goofy - all decked out in the bellhop outfit - just to make you smile.

Flash was an arrogant idiot sometimes, but he had his moments.

You were always afraid of elevators - especially when they went as high as the Washington Monument or even Tower of Terror. You never liked going on them because of something like this happening.

"Oh gosh," you breathed, tears filling your eyes. "Oh my gosh, I'm going to die-"

Flash looked at you with wide eyes. He dropped to his knees and grabbed your wrists. You looked up at him and whimpered. By the look in his eyes, you assumed he remembered how freaked you were about Tower of Terror - and how terrified you must be now.

"___, you're not going to die," he insisted.

You nodded. "I-I am! I can't... I can't breathe!"

"I'm not going to let you die, okay?"

He hooked an arm around your shoulders and helped you to your feet. The ground shook with the shift in weight and you cried out, clutching Flash's blazer.

"Move!" he said, taking you to where they were helping students out one by one. "Move! She goes first!"

He shoved Liz out of the way. You were too distraught to even yell at him. The man above you locked his strong hands around your wrists and lifted you out.

You held your breath until the moment you were out of the elevator shaft. Someone wrapped a blanket around your shoulders and asked if you needed water.

You shook your head. "N-no, I need Flash-" You heard the chords snap before anyone else could climb out, and you knew the elevator was plummeting. "Flash! No, Flash-"

You were held back as you heard the screams grow more faint. Your heart was in your throat and you felt sick. You screamed as loud as your lungs could allow before you saw a flash of red and blue and knew it was Spider-Man.

You barely had time to wonder why he was in Washington, D.C.. He webbed the top of the elevator and stopped the fall. You held a hand to your mouth, knees too weak to hold your weight, and prayed.

They started to save the students again. Out came Ned, face green and eyes wide. Then came, after a long pause, Flash, who couldn't wait any longer to get out of there.

He stumbled onto the solid ground. His face was equally as green as Ned's and he looked like he could puke any second. The layer of sweat on his forehead glistened in the fluorescent light.

You stood up and cried out his name, making his eyes shift to you. He breathed your name in relief as you dropped the blanket from your shoulders. You launched yourself at him and sobbed as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Flash, you could have died," you cried. "You saved me, you idiot. Why would you do something like that?" You pulled back to look at his face. He looked mostly confused by your sudden outburst. You shook your head. "You're the worst boy I've ever known, Flash Thompson."

He opened his mouth to object, to apologize, to tell you everything that had been on his mind. He almost had lost the chance to tell you.

You kissed him full on the lips.

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