Friday The 13th | Peter Parker [TH]

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You and Peter were similar in a lot of ways except for the fact that he liked horror movies and you did not.

When it came to October, you preferred to watch Tim Burton movies. Corpse Bride was one of the absolute best Tim Burton films and, while you did watch it often, it surprised you when Peter put his foot down on watching it again.

"___, you've made me watch that movie day after day this month," he complained, hopping on your bed, arms swinging at his sides. "And last year, it was that and Monster House."

"Hey," you said, pouting. "Those movies were major parts of my childhood."

"Yeah, well, I've memorized them," he said.

You huffed and crossed your arms like you were about to throw a tantrum. If Peter didn't look at you with those big brown eyes, all sad and wide, you would have fought harder for your movies. But he wasn't just your best friend, he was your crush - and that made it a little harder to say no to him.

"Okay, fine. What do you want to watch then? Frankenweenie is really sweet-"

"No, ___," he said. "We're teenagers now. It's time we ditch those kids movies and watch scary stuff."

"First of all," you said, snickering, "you sound so lame. Secondly, no. I hate scary movies!"

"But ___," he whined, jumping on your bed again. "Please, please, please, please. It'll be so fun! It's Friday the thirteenth - all the more reason to watch something scary."

"Peter," you said, frowning.

"Please," he repeated. He looked at you seriously. "I swear I'll protect you from all the scary stuff on TV."

You stared at him briefly and then looked away, not trusting the pink that was creeping its way to your cheeks. You didn't think Peter liked you, but you liked him a lot. Too much.

If he ever found out, he'd ditch you for sure. It would be too weird for him.

But if he was going to protect you, that meant he was probably going to do something like hold your hand or put an arm around your shoulders and a thought like that sent your heart in a bubby, giddy, fast-paced frenzy.

Also, he was using those eyes again.

"Ugh! Fine!" you exclaimed, throwing your hands up.

"Yes!" he said, jumping victoriously on your bed again, making pillows and stuffed animals topple off the sides.

"Stop jumping on my bed, Parker!" you hissed, picking up a pillow and throwing it at him. It hit him square in the chest and he plopped down, hugging the pillow tight and grinning like a little kid. You scoffed, rolling your eyes and looking away so you wouldn't dwell on how cute he was. "Ugh. You're such a geek." You got up and left your bedroom.

He just beamed and went after you, still hugging the pillow to his chest.


Peter was standing in front of the TV, his eyes gazing at the information on the screen. He insisted on buying the movie (and picking it) leaving you to sit on the couch and just know that he had most likely picked the scariest one on there.

"My parents won't be home for hours," you mumbled, wringing your hands.

Peter looked over his shoulder at you, eyebrows pulled together. "Relax," he said. "It shouldn't be that bad."

"It will be," you said. "Oh gosh, Peter-"

"Hey," he said, laughing. "Chill."

You shut your mouth, feeling embarrassingly foolish. Peter would never like you - especially when you were already petrified of the opening credits of a movie.

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