Stay Away From Me (Part One) | Harry Osborn [JF]

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"___, can you see anything?"

You adjusted the microphone that was hooked around your ear and to your lips. Running your tongue across your front teeth, you drummed your fingers against the desk as you impatiently waited for the cameras you hacked to show footage on your screen.

Finally, the black flickered to life.

"Yes!" you said, finally getting a view of the inside of the bank. "Spider-Man, there are about... a dozen or so guys. Two of them are in Room A and the rest are standing watch. They've got machine guns."

"Awesome. Thanks," he said.

You bit your lip. "Are you sure you can handle this, Spider-Man?"

He laughed. "What happened to the faith you have in me?"

You closed your eyes. You wanted so badly to tell the hero what you expected. Somehow a part of you knew that Spider-Man was your closest friend, Peter Parker.

You wanted to confront him about it. You wished you could have, but the more you thought on it, the more you wondered exactly why he didn't want you to know in the first place.

He was keeping the secret from you for some reason, and you couldn't just demand that he tell you everything.

"___?" he asked.

"Just be careful, Spider-Man," you whispered. "I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you."

He paused. "I feel the same way. You are the best hacker in Queens."

You smiled. "Then let's agree to just not lose each other, alright? Stay safe, Spidey."

"I always am safe," he said, but you knew he was lying through his teeth.

You watched nervously as Spider-Man crawled in through the window. Silently, he dropped down to the floor and landed in a crouching position. He was standing to the left of the guys with the machine guns.

After a second of observing, he shot up on his feet and flicked his wrist outward, shooting a web towards the man at the far end.

Before the group had too much time to react, he yanked his arm back, pulling the gun out of the robber's hands and taking out three of the men.

From there, it was a matter of Spider-Man flipping over the men, scrambling up walls, and kicking them unconscious one at a time.

When he was done, he landed on his feet. "Whew. How was that?" he asked, barely breathless.

"Impressive," you said.

"That's all I get?"

"Well, I have a boyfriend," you replied.

"Right," he said.

"Plus you're not out of the woods yet," you added. "Those two guys are loading up. I'd stop 'em before they find a new way out of there."

You felt more relaxed as you watched Spider-Man finish the job. When it was all done, he called the cops and piled up all the guys in the corner of the bank.

"Nicely done," you said.

He pretended to dust his hands off. "Thanks."


You hummed a song quietly to yourself as you dunked a teabag in a mug of steaming water. Carefully you walked from your kitchen to your tiny living room. You lowered yourself onto the sofa, absentmindedly reaching for the remote at the same time.

At the same time you clicked the TV on, your phone rang. You picked it up off the coffee table and stuck it under your ear.


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