Hot Chocolate | Peter Parker [TH]

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Christmas was long over now, and New Years Eve was only two days away, but you still wanted to watch Christmas movies. Friday nights were your favorite times to watch movies with Peter. And luckily, Peter was a wonderful boyfriend and agreed to watch any movie with you happily, no matter what genre it was. He seemed happy enough when you popped The Polar Express into the DVD player, anyway.

You settled next to him on the couch and pulled a bowl of buttery popcorn up into your lap. He wrapped an arm around you to hold you close and keep you both warm. As the first scenes of the movie played, you and Peter sat silently on the sofa, munching on salty popcorn and sipping sweet Coke from the glass bottles and humming along to the theme music.

Suddenly Peter scooted off the couch, pulled himself from you, and planted his feet on the floor. You looked up at him and reached for the remote to pause it.

"What are you doing?" you asked, pouting that he was taking his warmth with him. You hugged your arms to your body and looked around for a blanket.

"Nothing, nothing," he said fast. "You don't have to pause it, babe. I'll be right back, just give me a minute." He picked up the now empty bowl and disappeared into the kitchen.

You furrowed your eyebrows at him but sat back anyway, covering your lap with the throw blanket that had been draped across the back of the couch to make up for the lack of warmth.

For several minutes, you watched the movie alone. Peter was moving stuff around in the kitchen and making a lot of noise. You assumed he was making more popcorn, since he had eaten nearly the entire bowl of it by himself.

The sound of glass clinking together loudly made you jump out of your seat. You placed a hand on your throat as your breath hitched.

"Peter," you called out, "please don't break any of my mother's dishes! I really don't want to be grounded. The popcorn is in the top cabinet on the left of the stove, okay?"

"Uh... okay," he called back. "Sorry, babe, I'll be careful."

"Please do, Spider-Boy."

"Spider- Man!" he shouted.

You smiled and shook your head to yourself.

A few more minutes went by, and Peter still had not come out of the kitchen, although the loud noises had stopped, at least. You didn't even hear any kernels popping; you didn't know what he was doing.

The scene where the kids all get hot chocolate and the servants and conductor sing the song was coming up. It was a favorite scene of yours (and of Peter's, too. He always sang along with it and mentioned how badly he craved hot chocolate after he heard it) and you didn't want him to miss it and be sad later.

You turned your head in the direction of the kitchen. "Babe! What in the world are you doing in there? You're gonna miss the best part-"

"Coming, coming!"

He hurried out of the kitchen at once, two steaming mugs filled to the top with hot cocoa in his steady hands. He cringed the entire time he held the full cups, his bare feet moving as quickly and stiffly as he could make them. He held them out at arm's length and tried to not let it slosh out of the cups as he brought one to you, just as the song was playing.

"Peter!" you laughed, taking a mug from him. "What, no dance moves?"

"Not unless you want me to ruin the carpet," he said. "I think I filled it up too much. I'm sorry."

"Oh, I think it's okay. But no singing, then?" you asked.

"You're pushing it, babe," he joked.

The sweet, swirling smell of marshmallow, vanilla, and chocolate filled your nose. You took in a deep breath and it felt like you were actually in the movie. "Oh my gosh, this is amazing."

"I know, right? I'm the best boyfriend ever," he declared. He sat down and tilted his head, giving you a cocky but loving smirk.

You giggled and blew on the top of your drink. A puff of hot air escaped the cover of the marshmallow and touched your cold nose. He put a hand up and pulled your chin away from your mug.

"Here we only got one rule," he sang, his voice ringing with the conductor played by Tom Hanks, "never, ever let it cool!"

"There is the singing I wanted!" you laughed loudly, tipping your head back. "But if you don't let me cool it down some, Peter Parker, you may be driving me to the hospital with a burned tongue!"

He pulled his hand back and up. "Okay, okay, true. Yeah, don't listen to this song. This movie doesn't give very good advice." He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and turned his head back to the screen.

"I mean, it is a movie about kids running away from home in the middle of the night and getting on a random train that takes them to the North Pole. If anything, it teaches kids to trust any adult that offers them a trip to Santa Clause."

"Yeah, so this movie sucks," he said.

You laughed. "No, this movie is awesome." You looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you for watching it with me, even if it is four days after Christmas and you're probably tired of seeing these kinds of movies."

"Aw, you're welcome," he replied. "I'd watch this movie with you any time of the year, babe." He looked down at you and leaned in, pressing a chocolate flavored kiss to your lips. "I love you. Merry late Christmas."

You smiled warmly and snuggled against his side. He moved his lips to your hair and pressed a loving kiss to the crown of your head. "Merry late Christmas, Peter."

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