This Is Me | Peter Parker [TH]

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Peter stared at his sneakers as he skipped steps, going towards the car Happy Hogan had waiting for him. His hands gripped the straps of his backpack before he came to a halting stop at the sound of Tony Stark's voice.

"Kid! Wait a second, would ya?" he asked.

Peter turned on his heels. "Hey, I have to go pick up some eggs for May-"

"Don't care," Tony said, holding up a hand. He threw an arm over Peter's shoulders and guided him back up the steps. "We'll be a minute," he shouted to Happy. He squeezed Peter's shoulder and smiled. "Kid, I've got a job for you."

"Whoa, like a mission?"

"Sorta," he said, adjusting his pink framed glasses. "So, some footage of this girl from Brooklyn was sent to me. I watched it, and she is a vigilante with powers, you know, the usual stuff - and so I tracked her down. Well, it turns out, she was locked up in her basement by her parents during the day, so I got her out of there."

"Wow," he said. "That's... good that you got her out of there. What powers does she have?"

"You'll see," Tony said.

"I'll see?"

"Thing is, kid, she's scared. And she's around your age, so I think you'll be able to talk to her. I need you to take care of her, alright?"

Peter nodded. "Um. Alright, sure. I can do that."

"Great." He stopped in front of a long glass door and tapped a screen to the side of it. The door slid open and he nudged Peter inside. The door slid shut and, with a last glance at Mr. Stark, Peter was left in a sitting room.

At the far end of it, cowering underneath the only camera, was a girl.

She had her arms across her stomach. He could see her visibly shake as he took several small steps towards her. Then, her eyes turned color.

What started as a brilliant blue twinkling in her eyes turned to the color filling every part of it; her irises, the whites of her eyes - and then the chalky blue dusted across her cheeks, her neck, and down the inside of her arms. It covered her palms and she stiffened, waiting for his reaction.

Peter tried so hard not to have one, although he had a million questions and about a thousand ways to express how awesome it was.

"Hi," he said.

She blinked.

"Um, I-I'm Peter Parker," he said. "I work with, uh, Mr. Stark."

She looked him up and down. "You're not a scientist, are you? Because I-I didn't come here to get poked at and examined!" she nearly shouted.

"No," he said. "No, no. I'm an, uh, Avenger, actually."

She dropped her arms slowly. "You're one of them?"

He nodded. "I got bit by a radioactive spider a year ago. Since then, I can climb walls and heal fast and do all of this cool stuff, and look-" He held out his arm and yanked up the sleeve of his hoodie. She winced and he paused. "I won't hurt you," he added, before showing her the contraption on his wrist. "I made this. It shoots webs out. Like spiderwebs."

She stared. Then, slowly, she slid along the wall, her back pressed against it. She moved to one of the sofas and sat down at the furthest point from him.

"Want to see?" he asked.

She nodded. He aimed it at the camera and pressed his middle finger against the part on his palm. A string of white flew out and wrapped itself around the camera.

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