Scared (Part One) | Peter Parker [TH]

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"I hate scary movies," you griped, filling your paper plate up with treats.

Ned looked at you. "Then why did you even come to Peter's scary movie night party?" he asked.

"Um, for the snacks," you said. You held up a purple and green cookie. "Look. It's shaped like a bat." You smiled in amusement and then put in on your plate, reaching over for an orange iced brownie.

"Hey, do we wanna watch Halloween first or Children of the Corn?" Peter called from the living room.

Michelle flipped the page of her book, blindly reaching over for her plate of pretzels. "Both of them are sort of pathetic."

Peter rolled his eyes. He looked back at you. "Ned? ___?"

You frowned. Neither, you wanted to say, but your boyfriend was so excited about watching scary movies that you felt bad for saying no.

You'd only been dating him for a couple of weeks. It wasn't much different from friendship, meaning he only held your hand in the hallway and he was always too embarrassed to compliment you. He hadn't even kissed you yet (not that waiting bothered you).

"Halloween is cool," Ned finally said, grabbing a can of Coke and going into the living room.

You nodded in agreement, taking your plate of junk and a couple of napkins to the living room. Ned tried to sit on the couch next to Peter, but when Peter shot is hand out and whispered something.

"Of course," Ned said, his tone slightly bitter. He waved to the spot on the couch. "It's all yours, ___." He lowered himself down on the floor.

You looked at Peter. "You don't need to kick Ned out for me-"

"Oh, come on," Peter said. You sat down. "You're my girlfriend." He said it so proudly, so happily, that your heart skipped a beat.

And so the movie played, and you tried your best to keep your eyes focused on the left of the screen, not wanting to see anyone get murdered, and when you jumped because someone onscreen screamed a blood-curdling scream, Peter wrapped his arm around your shoulders, his lips pulled up in a loose smile.

So it wasn't the worst scary movie night you had ever had.


Sometime later, after you'd escaped the scary movie night with a foil covered plate full of leftover sweets, you realized that you were scared. You hadn't even paid attention to the movie, but the idea of someone lurking around in the dark, following you home, planning dark, sinister things seemed very likely. Your neighborhood wasn't the best.

You walked over to the front of a corner store and pressed your back against the brick. Your eyes raked up the street and back, searching for someone. Anyone.

In the beginning of your panic attack, you got your phone out of your bag and called Peter. He picked up after the second ring.


"Hi," you said, a little shaky.

"Hi," he repeated, his tone confused. "Are... you okay?"

"I, um, am a block away from you," you explained, gnawing at your lip in between words. "And it's dark and quiet and I'm freaked out, Peter. I think I'm going to get murdered."

"Is someone following you?" he asked.

"No," you said.

"Okay," he said after a moment. "Don't move, I'm getting my shoes on. I'll be there in a minute."

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