2018 | Peter Parker [TH]

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Even though he was in a tux, Peter felt extremely underdressed for Mr. Stark's New Years Eve party. As soon as Aunt May dropped him off, he was a literal ball of anxiety, thinking of all of the limos pulling out of the lot, seeing all of the women covered in expensive jewelry and all of the scientists that looked at him like he was a child.

But when he thought of you, probably inside, with your hair done and perfect makeup and expensive dress, his anxiety grew, but it was mixed with a lot of fondness, too.

Because Peter was in love with you, even if he was too shy to say anything.

Even if his resolution was to tell you that he liked you, and he didn't know if he could do it.

Out of the cold and into the hot rooms full of people, he looked for you. It took several minutes (of which included him pausing to chat with Thor, waving to Natasha and Vision, and a lot of dirty looks from super fancy scientists) to find you, standing at the center of a room, several people with hard faces giving you attention you didn't want.

But when you saw Peter, you breathed out in relief. He smiled shyly and you reached for his arm, which he let you take.

"Thank goodness you're here," you said.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pulling you away from the scientists. He searched their faces, wondering if they said something-

"These scientists look at me like I'm an experiment."

"Well, you are an Avenger," he said.

"Yeah," you said. You frowned. "It would be nice to just be looked at as any other person, of course, but-"

"But you're not any other person," he said. "You have powers. You wear a suit and kick people's butts. You're ___, and I like that." A blush spread across his cheeks as it slipped out. "I-I like you."

Your frown turned into a smile and your fingers grabbed hold of the crease of his sleeve. You bit down on your lip in pure happiness.

"I like you, too," you whispered.

"And you do look normal," he added. "I mean, you're gorgeous."

"You're not just saying that because I'm dressed up, are you, Parker?" you joked.

"No," he said. His eyes were full of courage. "You're always gorgeous."

You grinned and grabbed his hands, stepping out of his arm. "Come dance with me," you said.

"Where?" he laughed, "there's no one dancing here!"

"C'mon!" you laughed, tugging on his hands.

You pulled him out of the crowded room and into an empty, dark one. He tripped over his own feet as he trailed behind you, not letting go of your hands as you took him somewhere unfamiliar.

He ended up on a long balcony outside of a sitting room. The air was frigid and the tower overlooked most of the city.

"Wow," he breathed, his breath showing as it slipped out of his lips.

"Dance with me," you pleaded, turning his body towards yours. You lifted his hands and dropped them near your waist, so he had to rest them there. You put your hands on his shoulders. You grinned.

"Wait - there's no music," he said.

"So?" you asked. "Just sway."

He did. His face was still red. "But are we going to watch the ball drop?" he asked.

You sighed and stopped, moving your hands off his shoulders. "Do you not want to dance with me, Peter Parker?"

"No! I mean, I do!" he said. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry-" He put your hands back on his shoulders. "It's just that you're - I - I have been wanting to tell you that I-I..." He choked on his words. "I'm in love with you."

Your eyes warmed and you nodded slowly. "I love you, too, Peter."

"You have no idea how great it is to hear that," he said. He stared into your eyes and pulled you close, his breath washing across your face. "I-I have wanted to tell you for so long now."

"Me, too," you said.

"I also wanted to ask... w-will you be my new years kiss?"

You bit your lip to hide a smile. At least, that's was Peter thought, until you opened your mouth and responded with, "Oh, sorry - I've actually already promised Thor that he could be my first kiss of the year-"

Peter's smile faltered and all of the color left his cheeks. He stopped swaying with you and dropped your waist. "You what?"

You burst out laughing, tipping your head back towards the stars. "I'm kidding!" you said. "Why on earth would I kiss Thor? Loki, maybe, but not Thor."

"What? Loki is a bad guy, ___-"

"Okay, whatever," you said, still laughing. "It doesn't matter because I love you, dummy!" You shook your head. "Why would I ever kiss anybody but you?"

"I-I don't know," he admitted.

From inside of the penthouse, you heard someone call out, "One minute until the year two thousand and eighteen!"

You looked at Peter and cupped his face. "I want to kiss you, Peter, but I want you to be my boyfriend, first."

"Okay," he mumbled, unable to concentrate on anything but your hands on his face.

There was a pause as he searched your eyes. "Ask me," you pleaded.

"Okay," he said. He gulped. "___-"


"Will you-"


His palms were sweaty. "B-be-"


You giggled. "Just ask, Peter-"


"Don't be nervous. It's me," you continued.


He nodded. It was just you. "Be my-"






It burst out of his lips now. "Will you be my girlfriend?"


Your lips were wide and so, so close.


"Yes," you breathed.

And he kissed you, eyes squeezing shut, heart exploding at the same moment fireworks were released all around the city. The balcony was illuminated with pink and blue and green and yellow, and his heart was bursting, and you were so close and warm and soft-

And you broke away, and you whispered nearly inaudibly-

"Happy New Year, Peter."

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