It's Too Cliche (Part Three) | Peter Parker [TH]

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Peter's head snapped up. His face blanched and he bunched up the top part of his suit, pressing it against his naked torso. As if realizing his suit was shown, he frantically tried to hide the spider emblem at the center.

"___!" he shouted, hair falling in his face. He clumsily stepped out of his suit, ripping it off his legs and balling it up. He stuffed it in his backpack and stood up straight, fixing his hair. "H-Hey... hey," he coughed.

You smiled, trying to hold back a laugh. "You really think that being half naked in an alley is better than hiding the suit that I already saw?"

Peter shut his mouth, opened it, then shut it again. He moved his hands awkwardly before trying again. "W-Well, I just... I-I mean, it's just a costume. Not even the real thing. I'm like... an imposter. Sort of. Or a fan. Yeah, a fan. Of... o-of Spider-Man's."

You hummed and nodded, not buying it for even a second. "Uh-huh. I see." You shook your head, laughing softly. "Spider-Boy, it's alright. I think I already sort of knew. I'm good at the kind of thing."

"H-How did you know?"

"Only Peter Parker could be cute through puberty," you joked. "And somehow Spider-Boy was just as adorable with his voice cracking."

Peter's face burned red. "Whatever. You can't say anything."

"I won't," you said, voice serious. Peter stood in place, fidgeting awkwardly before deciding to slip into his suit again. "Peter? Are you... okay?"

He looked at you curiously. "Uh... yeah? Why?"

"B-Because," you stammered, trying to say it without actually saying it. You had seen Peter practically confess his feelings for you in front of Flash and, while you certainly liked him, you weren't in any place to trust someone with your entire heart. "I don't know. I just wondered. You seemed... off."

"Well, you just cornered me in an alley and discovered my biggest secret and I'm standing here in just my boxers and, I don't know, that's kind of weird," he said quickly, making you snicker.

"I'll leave you to it, then," you said, backing up. "I hope you'll call me and explain how this whole spider thing happened."

"Y-Yeah, absolutely."

"Great." You turned around.

"H-Hey," he called. You looked back and felt your heart warm at the sight of his sparkling, admiring eyes. He must really like you. "Thanks for keeping this a secret. It means a lot."

"Sure," you said, smiling. You turned for the last time and walked away, waving without looking. "Bye bye, Spider-Boy."


You walked home, earbuds in your ears, music playing low. You mouthed to the words, stuffing your cold hands in the front pocket of your hoodie. It wasn't easy to forget that Flash was currently ruining your reputation, but somehow thinking about Peter really being Spider-Man made it less of a problem.

As you rounded a corner, ducking under a torn fence as a shortcut to your aunt and uncle's apartment, you saw a man step off the wall. He walked to the center of the alley, turning to face you. Like he was waiting for you.

Chills ran down your back and neck as you turned around, only to come face to face with two smaller guys with sickly pale, clean shaven faces. They backed you up until you thought you'd end up right in the arms of the first guy you'd seen.

You yanked the earbuds out of your ears. "H-Hey, I don't have any-"

"We don't want money," one of them said. He reached out and grabbed your arm, making you full out fight with all the strength you could muster. "Grab her."

The other one snagged your left wrist, twisting it and forcing it against the small of your back. You yelped, momentarily stopping your legs from kicking. The other man knocked your feet off the ground and they forced you on your knees.

The one that had blocked your path came into view. Your heart was in your throat as you looked up at him. He crouched in front of you and lowered his dark black hoodie, revealing a tattooed face over light brown skin.

"W-What do you want with me?" you asked, half weak, half angry. "I don't have anybody that'll pay you guys for ransom or something."

"Like they said, we don't need any money," the man said. "We need you, sweetheart."

He looked at you approvingly, a smirk forming at the corner of his lips. He ran a hand through blue hair, ruffling the top of it up. When he opened his lips, his tongue ran across his teeth.

"Me?" you half whispered, eyebrows pulling together. Your heart plumetted to the ground. "Why?"

"You know Spider-Man," he said simply. "And I've got a little plan, but he's going to be in the way. We need your help, sweetheart."

You snapped your teeth at him, not caring about your safety for the briefest of moments. "I'm not helping you with anything."

"You will," he said. "Here's the deal. You help me out, you get to go free and live your life. If you don't help me, I'll keep you around for as long as I want before I ultimately decide to kill you." He shrugged. "I would say you have a choice, but you really don't."

He looked up at the two guys holding you. "Alright boys, let's get her inside, yeah?" He looked back at you. "We can talk more there."

"No," you mumbled, feeling your heart drop and your feet be lifted off the ground. "No! Let go of me!" You kicked and squirmed but ended up in the back of their dusty car anyway, stuffed in the trunk. "Stop-"

The main guy leaned over, a sadistic smile on his face. "You may feel a teensy bit claustrophobic for a while there." He pinched the air. "But we will arrive very shortly, so just try and relax, 'kay babe?"

"Please let me go," you said. "I won't tell anybody what happened-"

"Such a weak and unoriginal attempt," he said, shaking his head. He leaned closer, so close you could smell his breath. You tried not to cower back. "You're mine now, babe. But hey, that's not the worst thing that could happen to ya! We could have just killed you." He laughed loudly.

You scowled at him. What a sick weirdo.

He winked, reaching out to pinch your chin. "Oh. And the name's Hades."

With that, he shut the trunk. As his two goons scrambled in the car, he took out a single cigar and a lighter. He placed the cigar between his lips. "Game set-" he paused, bringing the lighter to the end of the cigar and lighting it. "Match."

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