I Put A Spell On You | Flash Thompson [TR]

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Flash could sit down and make lists of all the reasons he liked you. He could point out a million different things about your quirks and traits that he adored so much. And each little thing made him want to be a better guy all around.

Your kindness, for one, made him feel guilty for pushing a small kid out of the way in the hall. He would watch the kid fall and think of you, wonder if you were one of the faces watching in the hallway, and he would feel bad. He would pick the kid up and mutter an apology, wondering just how you managed to have such a hold on him even when you barely spoke to him.

Flash sat down at his lunch table, his eyes on you. You were a few seats down, sitting between Ned and Peter like you always were.

You were talked animatedly, eyes bright, smile wide, laughing with the two guys that bothered him so much. But you looked so cute-

"Flash," Betty said, touching his arm and forcing him out of his stupor.

He blinked and looked away from you, lips pressing together in a tight line. "What?" he asked, a little annoyed.

"We were just talking about how literally no one is throwing a Halloween party this year," she said.

Flash got an idea as soon as the words spilled out of her lips. He shrugged and gave a side smile. "Okay, well, I'll throw a party. This weekend. A costume party."

"Really? How fun," she gushed.

He nodded. "Yeah. Text it out to everyone. I'm gonna let, uh, other people know." He got off the bench and stumbled his way nervously to you.

His friends all smiled knowingly. How could they not tell that their friend liked you when he was always gawking at you during practice, often missing his change to ring the bell and answer a question?

You laughed loudly as he approached. "I'm serious, guys, Spider-Man was, like, three feet from me. Briefly, ya know, because he was swinging by with a stolen bike in his hand, but he was there!"

"Yeah right," Ned said. "I'm gonna need proof-" He stopped when he saw Flash. His smile disappeared and he scowled. "Flash."

You turned your head, lifting your lips up into a smile. "Hey, Flash!" you said.

"H-Hey," he said.

"What do you want?" Ned asked.

"I just, uh, wanted to let you losers know that I was having a Halloween party this weekend," he said, voice harsh, "but if you're going to call me names, Leeds, I might just take that invitation back."

Ned gave him a dirty look. "No one wants to go to your stupid party, anyway, Eugene."

He opened his mouth to snap but stopped. You were frowning, shoulders slumped as you listened to the angry words belting out of their mouths. Flash sucked in a deep, calming breath and tried again.

"Seriously, you guys," he said, moving to loom at you specifically, "I really want you to come. It'll be around eight and there will be music and dancing and snacks - and everyone will be in costumes."

He could have sworn you blushed.

"Costumes?" you asked. "That sounds super cool. I'll be there."

Ned and Peter both gaped at you. "Um," they said loudly, "what!"

"Thanks for the invite, Flash," you said, smiling sweetly. "I can't wait to go."

He grinned. "Y-Yeah, can't wait to see you." Dazed and head over heels in love, he stumbled away, bringing a hand up to brush through his black hair.

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