There's Just One Thing I Need (Part Eight) | Peter Parker [TH]

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Your first date with Peter Parker had gone so well that you'd forgotten about even seeing Spider-Man just before.

On your date, throughout the movie, Peter held your hand. You liked the feeling of it; it was warm and familiar, almost homey. And he was gentle and careful around you, like he didn't want to do too much too fast to make you scared. There was no first kiss, no embrace, just his hand in yours and his sweet voice telling you how beautiful you looked with your hair up in those silly space buns.

And now he was walking with you down a hallway, his fingers intertwined with yours for the first time at school, smiling and laughing with you as you both discussed the movie.

"All of my predictions came true," you gushed, "all of them! Oh, the movie exceeded all of my expectations."

"Mine, too! Well, not all of my predictions came true, but wow, the movie was great!" he said. "Episode nine couldn't feel further away."

"Two years," you sang, sighing heavily. Your hand slipped out of Peter's as you stopped by your locker.

He smiled at you, shifting his backpack. "I'll see you in Spanish," he said.

"Okay," you replied shyly.

Peter didn't need to feel shy. He knew you. He grinned with confidence and walked on, heading towards his locker that was still a little ways down the hall. He kept taking glances at you, making you grin and blush and laugh.

He was standing in front of his open locker, backpack shoved inside, brown, crinkled eyes staring at you, when he felt it. All of the hairs on his arms stood up and his head began to buzz loudly. The smile wiped off his face and he looked up from you to the school's entrance just in time to see the doors open and The Shocker step inside, weapon out and ready.

Peter gasped. His worst nightmare was coming true before him; you in danger, feet away from him, too far away to grab.

"___!" he shouted, but the electricity from the weapon was already blazing, the lights in the hallway flickering out and then surging with power.

"Spider-Man!" screamed The Shocker over the voices of sudden terror breaking out of the silence. "Stop hiding and come face me!"

Students screamed, ran, and you turned around, fear surging through you. It took everything Peter had not to shoot a web at the back of your shirt and drag you to him. Instead, he ran to you, grabbed your hand, and then pulled you with him down the opposite way, shoving you in front of him protectively.

"Oh my gosh, Peter," you cried, looking over your shoulder, "who is that? He's looking for Spider-Man-"

"Don't look back!" he demanded. "Keep going!"

You cried out in fear, hearing the pained scream of a student. One of the teachers at the end of the hall you were running down waved everyone forward.

"Everyone outside!" he screamed. "Now, now!"

Peter pushed you forward and then stopped. You noticed him slowing down and turned around, terror etched all over your face.

"Peter! We have to go!"

"You have to go," he said. He took a step back. "I-I have to find... Ned!"

You reached for his hand. "No, Pete- I'm worried about him, too, but we have to stick together! You and I. Please, Peter, it's dangerous!" There were tears in your eyes as you grabbed the sleeve of his sweatshirt and pulled. "Peter, please. Spider-Man will be here soon, he'll get everyone out!"

"You need to go," he said sadly. "I'm sorry." He tore your fingers from his sleeve and turned around, heart dropping as you took one step to follow him.


"Go outside!" he yelled.

You froze, tears slipping. You cried out for him again, unable to will yourself to move as you watched the boy run all the way down the hallway and turn out of your sight.


Everyone was accounted for outside.

Everyone except for Peter.

You stood next to Ned, who had already been outside when you got out the doors. You'd run to him, throwing your arms around him, thanking God he was alright and sobbing as you told him that Peter was still in there looking for him. Surprisingly, Ned didn't seem too scared; he comforted you.

You stared at the school, at the busted windows, and thought, with the sounds of the injured in your ears, was Spider-Man already in there? Was he worried for you? He knew you went here...

"Where's Peter?" you whimpered. "Ned, you don't think-"

"No," Ned silenced you. "He'll be alright."


"___," he said seriously, hand on your shoulder, "he'll be okay."

You clamped your lips shut and prayed that was true.


The school was still on lockdown. In the midst of chaos, panicked parents pulled into the parking lot and around campus to run to their kids. After embracing your parents, you went to find Aunt May.

It didn't take long to spot her, and thankfully she had Peter in her arms. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek, eyes teary and scared. He had his hands on her sides and ducked his head, mumbling that he was okay.

You stopped behind Peter. Aunt May looked up at you and smiled sadly. Peter turned his head and sighed in relief.

"Hey," he said, "are you okay?"

You didn't waste any time to step forward and throw your arms around his neck. He held you close, saying nothing.

"You're an idiot, Peter Parker," you said seriously, voice thick with tears. "Ned was outside the entire time."

"I-I didn't know," he said.

You sniffed. "Did you see him?"

"Who?" he asked.

"Spider-Man," you said. "He was in there - he chased the guy away. Did you see him?"

"Oh. Uh, yeah, I saw him. But I was hiding," he explained. He pulled back to look at you. "You're shaking. I'm okay, ___, I'm okay."

"I know," you said. "But I thought - what if you weren't..." You shook your head. "You scared me, Peter. And I care about you too much - you can't scare me like that!"

"Okay, okay," he said. He hugged you again. "I'm sorry."

You clung tight to him, thanking Spider-Man for somehow keeping your selfless idiot of a boyfriend safe.

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