You Are Important To Me | Peter Parker [TH]/Ned Leeds

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Peter Parker was the best boyfriend you could have asked for - and then, suddenly, he wasn't.

What started as a nice, new thing that involved a lot of hand holding and kisses that were mostly just crinkled nose brushes eventually evolved into you being left alone in the middle of dates, Peter sometimes rushing out of them without even apologizing. He would always apologize after and reassure you that he still loved and adored you, but you weren't sure.

It just didn't seem logical that a boy that claimed to see you as his entire world would chose the actual world over your happiness.

You couldn't be mad. He saved people. But you could understand that he didn't have time for you in his life.

That didn't mean it made the process of breaking it off any easier.

Luckily, you had an unbiased supporter by your side that would feel every bit as sad as you would when you finally broke it off with Peter. Ned, your younger brother, was the one that had introduced you to the boy that was one grade below you. He had encouraged Peter to ask you out, seeing how much you liked him from the moment you laid eyes on him.

Ned was just that good of a brother.

So good, in fact, that when you came home crying, he demanded to know what was wrong. He pulled you to your bed and sat you down, hands around your wrists, eyes wide with fear.

"What happened?" he asked. "Did someone attack you? Attack Peter? Oh gosh, is he okay? He's dead, isn't he?"

"No, Ned," you sobbed, shoulders shaking. "He left me. We were at the movies and I went to the bathroom and when I got back, he was gone."

"What?" Ned gasped.

"He ditched me without anyone to walk me home-"

Ned dropped your wrists, moving his hands to your shoulders. "You could've been mugged! Or worse!" he exclaimed, shaking his head. "I'm calling Peter. I swear-"


"No, you sit here and wait for me to get back," he insisted, getting off the bed. "Then we can do something together like play video games or watch Star Wars."

You sniffed and nodded. "Episode seven?" you asked.

"Of course," he said. Even though it wasn't his favorite, it was yours, and you needed your favorite movie to comfort you.

While he was out in the hallway, possibly chewing Peter out, you got changed out of your clothes. You had bought them specifically for this date. It was just a trip to the movies, but dates at all were rare nowadays.

"Peter, you left my sister. I thought your job was to protect people! Okay, so then maybe you should protect my sister!"

You sighed. Ned rarely got mad. You hoped this fight wouldn't last too long between them.

Peter was just a boy. And you were just a girl. No matter how many times he told you he was your complete world, you knew better.

"No! Don't apologize to me. She's the one that got ditched on the one day she's been looking forward to for weeks!"

You cringed. Great. Now you seemed desperate and lame.

"I don't care, Parker!"

You stepped out of the room, sighing heavily. You hung onto the frame of the door and leaned out onto the hall, glaring daggers at Ned.

"Ned," you hissed. "Stop!"

He stared at you, disbelief marking his features. He just wanted to protect you - even if that meant chewing out his best friend.

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