There's Just One Thing I Need (Part Nine) | Peter Parker [TH]

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You didn't know that you needed to see him until he swung by. Then with the overwhelming memories or the incident at the school, you were filled with a sudden desire to speak to him again.

You saw him swing off into an alleyway. Turning into it, you saw him sitting on the edge of a fire escape, sandwich in hand, mask rolled up to his nose.

"Spidey," you called out, jogging until you stood underneath him.

He stopped biting his food and pulled the sandwich from his mouth, a pickle sliding out and hanging from his teeth. He covered his mouth and nearly choked.

"___!" he coughed, "h-hey!"

"Hi," you said. You crossed your arms. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Y-you didn't," he said, and he cleared his throat. When he spoke, his voice was an octave lower. "I mean, you didn't. That was... anyway, what's up?"

"I wanted to thank you," you said. "You saved those students at Midtown. You saved me."


"I-I was there with my friend, in that hall," you explained. "When that guy came in, I... I thought I was going to die."

"It's just my job," he said simply.

"No," you said. You smiled. "You don't have to do the things you do. Thank you for saving me and my friend."

"Your friend," he said, "i-is that... Peter Parker?"

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Uh-huh. How do you know-"

"Stark internship," he blurted. "He's in that internship, right? I see him around sometimes. Nice guy. Solid dude."

"Yeah, he is, but how-"

"Is he your friend or your boyfriend?" he asked.

You blinked, then bit your lip. Feeling embarrassed and a little sorry, you stepped backwards. "He's my boyfriend," you said. "S-Sorry, I guess I moved on sorta fast, but he was just - there. Ya know?"

"Yeah," Spider-Man answered. "I get it. I'm glad it's him. Do you like him?"

"Of course," you said. "He's my best friend and my boyfriend all rolled up into one. He's sweet and gentle and nerdy and funny... he's a great guy. That's everything a girl could ask for, I think." You blushed and looked away. "Well, uh, I just wanted to thank you, because I know you don't get a lot of those. So... thank you."

"You're welcome," he said.

You turned and walked down the alleyway. Halfway down, you heard him call out your name. You turned your head.

"Wait! Do you - d-do you love him?" he asked.

Your heart broke a little. It pained you to nod your head, knowing quite well this boy in the mask still loved you. You answered truthfully, a quick nod accompanied by a sad smile, and then you walked away.


You laid back on your bed, your warm phone pressed to your ear. Peter was singing a song softly, making you smile. You rubbed your eyes tiredly.

"It's getting late," you said.

"Is it?" He paused, then laughed. "It's barely nine. You're an old lady if you think this is late."

You giggled. "Okay, okay. Don't make fun of me. I had a long day!" You nibbled on your bottom lip. "I, uh, talked to Spider-Man today and thanked him for saving us."

There was a long bit of silence. "You did?" he finally asked.

"Yeah," you said. "It was weird, sorta, but he needed to hear it. Or I needed to make sure I thanked him. I don't know. Anyway, I did it."

"Good," he said.

"Is it?" you asked. "You're not mad?"

"Uh, no? Why would I be?"

"I was talking to my ex, Pete," you said. "Aren't boyfriends supposed to be mad at that sort of thing?"

"I don't know, maybe," he admitted, "but I, you know, trust him... and I'm not one of those boyfriends. I don't own you. If you want to thank your ex boyfriend in the middle of an alley while he has lunch, feel free."

You laughed. "Okay, that was surprisingly-" You stopped mid sentence as all of the blood rushed to your head. A small gasp escaped your lips.

"What?" Peter asked. "What is it?"

"How did you... I never said... he was eating lunch in an alley-" You were choking on your words, strangling on the spit.

"Oh. Oh. Crap, ___, Snowflake, I-"


"You," you said, lips numb.

"I-I can explain!" he shouted.

You didn't want to hear it. You yanked the phone from your ear and ended the call. The phone slipped out of your now shaking fingers and flattered to the floor. You stared up at the ceiling, hyperventilating with absolute shock.

You pressed your hands against the center of your chest, feeling your heart beat wildly. It drummed so fast you felt it in each of your wrists and all of your fingertips.

Two minutes later, there was a rapid knock against your window. You sat up and looked out to see Peter, knuckles rapping against the glass, face full of fear and sorrow and horror - a mix of all these emotions that only made you feel more betrayed, as if his look alone made it all very real.

You got off the bed and walked to the window, feeling more sad than angry as you opened it. He leaned in, eyes pleading.

"___, I can explain-"

"How?" you demanded, voice cracking. "How could you so this to me?"

His eyes filled with tears. He opened his mouth, closed it, then dropped his head. "Snowflake, I'm sorry-"

You shook your head and took a step back. He swung a leg in, reminding you of when Spider-Man would come and get you before hanging out. "Don't," you said, "that's what he called me."

"I am him," he said. "Peter Parker is Spider-Man, okay?" He touched his chest. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm sorry. I couldn't lose you. You're... you're everything to me now, you know that, right?"

You stared at him.

"Say something," he pleaded.

You couldn't.

"___," he cried, a tear slipping out. "Snowflake."

You winced.

"I lied to you," he said, voice faint. "Yell at me. Scream at me. Hit me if you want. Don't just stand there, do something!" He didn't sound angry, just broken.

Your lips parted, a tear slipping down your face and into your mouth. You breathed out and then -

"Go. Leave me alone."

He gasped quietly, but he didn't fight you. He barely even hesitated before slipping out of the window, eyes heartbroken.

You couldn't wait until he was gone. You collapsed in slow motion, falling on your bed, heart breaking into a million pieces, a sob breaking out of your lips.

"I love you, Snowflake. I was going to tell you that - whether as Peter or as Spider-Man, I don't know. But that was true for both guys you knew. I love you."

You didn't say anything. You just wanted him to go away.

And, at some point, he must have, because you lifted your heavy head and looked around at a dark, empty room that was dropping in temperature quickly because of the open window.

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