There's Just One Thing I Need (Part Seven) | Peter Parker [TH]

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Peter sat on the roof of a building, suit on, one leg swinging off the ledge. He pulled his mask off, taking a deep breath of cold, December air. He wanted to get his mind off of you, but he couldn't. Everything he thought about circled back to you.

It had been two days since he had left you at the library. He was quiet on Friday, which made you worry, which made him feel worse, but gosh, he just couldn't shake the pain he had.

He felt bad.

When he had met you as Spider-Man, he was automatically drawn to your joy. He couldn't help it - especially now, with the Shocker after him, he needed a glimpse of happiness in his day, and you were it.

He lived to see you. He lived to knock on your window, to drink cocoa with you, hear about your day. He loved to pretend to he someone other than who he was. He loved you.

When you ended it with him, he understood. He hadn't given you a single reason to trust him, and yet seeing you leave was so awful that he had to find you in school and talk to you.

You didn't need to know he was the one that had already broken your heart. He had selfishly thrown himself in your life again, bringing you a future of probable danger and inevitable heartache.

You would find out.

He couldn't let you find out.

He huffed, staring at the limp mask in his hands. He shook his head, closing his eyes and opening them as he tilted his head towards the cloudy night sky.

"What am I doing?" he asked.

His phone buzzed in his lap. He glanced down at it, seeing the picture of you pop up. You were calling him. He answered it.

"Hey," he said, running a hand through the front of his hair.

"Hi. I need your input," you said.

"Okay. For...?"

"Should we pay four dollars extra for a pack of gummy bears or should I just buy this pack I'm staring at at Delmar's for just ninety-nine cents?" you asked. "It's a bargain here, Pete. I'm telling ya."

He laughed. "Um, it's wrong to sneak snacks in."

"So? Who are you, the police? Or a part of the Avengers - keeping the world all just and good?" You snickered, even though Peter's smile disappeared and his laugh cut short. "We're talking three dollars off movie theater price, Pete!"

"No, you bought the tickets," he said, "so I'll buy the snacks. Whatever you want, okay?"

"Are you sure?" you asked. "Because I'm a stress eater, Peter Parker. And The Last Jedi is two hours and thirty minutes of pure stress."

He laughed again. "It doesn't matter. Anything for you."

"Peter," you said, voice soft, "you're such a sweet guy."

He grinned, but then felt bad, because you used to think Spider-Man was sweet and now you're thinking Peter is sweet and he is lying to your face every day -

"Thanks," he said.

"I'll text you when I'm close," you said.

"'Kay. See ya," He said, and he hung up, then promptly dropped his face in his hands.

Was he trying to break the heart of this sweet girl? Was he trying to give her a reason to hate him? Was he trying to make his life more complicated?

The cold was unbearable against his skin. He slipped his mask back over his head of messy curls and took a deep breath.

"Hey, Karen," he said tiredly.

"Hello, Peter," her voice responded automatically.

"Can you, uh, give me a scan of the, uh, city?" He drew a circle with his finger, other hand holding his face.

"Of course," she said. Then, after a moment, she continued, "Peter, is something wrong?"

"No. Well, uh, it's just, uh, ____," he said.

"I thought you liked her," she said.

"I do! I do, and that's the problem." He shook his head. "I like her a lot."

"I don't see how that is a problem," she said.

"Should I tell her who I am?" he wondered aloud.

"I think so," Karen said.

"No, she'd be so disappointed in me," he mumbled.

"Liz wasn't disappointed," Karen reminded him. "I wouldn't be disappointed if it was you."

"Thanks," he said warmly to his friend, "but there are a lot of layers to this story and a whole lot of problems stacking up."

"I'm a great listener," she said.

He laughed. "Yeah, you are. Thanks, Karen. I just-"

A movement to his left caught his eye. He looked over and saw you, all dressed with space buns like Rey and a shirt with Finn and Rose on it. You were walking in the direction towards his apartment, looking at your phone.

Peter couldn't help but lean closer to watch you, one, to keep you safe, and two, because you looked so cute with your hair like that.

As if feeling his eyes on you, you glanced up from your phone. You squinted up at him. He nearly waved, but remembered he was currently playing the part of your ex boyfriend named Spider-Man, not your sort of boyfriend named Peter Parker. He say frigid and stared until you looked away, eyes emotionless. You typed on your phone again.

The phone beside his leg buzzed, the picture of your smiling face popping up. He leaned down to read it.

hey, pete. be there soon! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US TONIGHT!

He smiled, picking up the phone. You were walking off now, the back of your head only visible to him. He smiled fondly after you, wishing so badly that he as Spider-Man had treated you right and that you didn't hate him.

He had made a mess of his life by including you in it, but he couldn't dream of letting you go now.

He typed a reply back to you.

Can't wait to see you! YES, MAY IT BE WITH US! 👊

"Karen," he said, "is Shocker around?"

"I did not locate him during my scan," she informed him. "He must be out of range or out of Queens."

"Hopefully he stays far away, then," he said, standing up. "We might have scared him off last time. Any other trouble?"


He clapped his hands together and walked towards the opposite edge of the building.

"Good. 'Cause I have a first date to get to." He shot a web at a building and swung off the ledge, soaring through the frozen air, feeling the sting of cold against his body through the suit.

He had a lot to worry about, admittedly, but all of it could wait. He had a first date to see the brand new Star Wars movie with the girl of his dreams and everything would be fine.

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