Come Home | Flash Thompson [TR]

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Sometime before sophomore year ended, Flash took notice of you. You assumed it was when your seat was moved and put next to his in Biology. His eyes met yours and he never looked anywhere else.

As winter turned to spring, Flash threw himself forward and tried relentlessly to pursue you. He said hi to you once one week, then again the next, until it was every day he would say hello no matter how many times he had seen you.

That ultimately brought him to asking for your number, which you gave willingly, then reading text after text after text. You weren't annoyed with how many times he reached out to you. You had grown to really like the boy that everyone thought was mean.

So when Flash did ask you out, you were ecstatic.

There was a certain thrill to changing your relationship status from single to in a relationship with Flash Thompson on Facebook and adding his name to your biography on Instagram. You liked that he posted a picture taken of the two of you in study hall and called you "his girl" in the caption.

He was the kind of boyfriend that liked to snap random pictures of you while you were studying with him or sitting across from him at lunch. He was always touching you when you walked alongside him in the halls; a hand on your waist, fingers intertwined, arm around your shoulders.

He liked to show you off and pretend that he was worthy of being your boyfriend, but he wasn't. He knew that and he was almost sure that everyone else knew it, too.

You had him wrapped around your finger and you were pretty much clueless to it. You did notice the gleam in his eyes whenever you spoke about something you loved, or the way he would dance his fingers across your arm as you daydreamed.

Flash was completely, utterly in love with you.

He was so in love that he wasn't upset when you requested that he grow a bit of facial hair. He didn't care if you'd rather see a romance than an action movie (or vice versa).

He was in love and it wasn't even the second date.

Before your one month anniversary, school was out. You were excited because your family was taking a two week vacation to Australia.

The only bummer was leaving Flash behind.

He drove his dad's car to the airport and dropped your family off without even being asked. Before getting your luggage checked, Flash grabbed both of your hands and kissed your cheek. You promised to get him a souvenir of some kind and to call him every night.

You did.

In fact, the best part of your vacation was when you could call Flash. It didn't matter what time it was back in Queens. If you wanted to talk to him, he was up and online with a load of stories to tell.

"We're not even in school anymore and Parker still gets on my nerves," he griped one day. He looked particularly grumpy. "I saw him at the store today. He didn't do anything technically but my gosh-"

You rolled your eyes. "Flash, babe. Are you tired? Maybe we shouldn't call as often. It's screwing up your sleep schedule."

"No, no," he said, picking up his laptop and bringing it close to his face. He propped it up on his knees. "I'm not tired, babe. I just had a difficult day and knowing that I have to see Parker at decathalon practice tomorrow is killer." He sighed and shook his head. "I just wished you'd come home."

You frowned. "Aw, I'll be home soon. Only four more days."

He groaned, dropping his head back. His fingers scratched at the scruff he was growing under his nose and on his chin. "That's too long," he complained.

You laughed. "You miss me that much?"

"You kidding?" He shook his head and leaned his cheek against his hand. "Babe... it kills me how much I miss you. I didn't know it would be this difficult to be away from you."

Your eyes softened. "It kills me, too."

Flash stared at the screen for a long time. You breathed heavily and sat back against the pillows that were too soft to be considered comfortable.

"When you get home," he said, "I have something to tell you."


"Yeah," he said.

You gave a knowing smile. "And you can't tell me over video chat?"

"I'd rather not," he said. "As a hopeless romantic, anyway."

You snickered. "Okay, babe. Tell me when I get home."

"I think I'll take you out to dinner on Saturday," he said. "When does your plane land?"

"Eleven in the morning on Saturday," you said.

"Then I'll take you to lunch too," he added.

You laughed and shook your head, wondering how on Earth you managed to win the heart of Flash Thompson. Right then and there, you almost said you loved him.

No, you decided, tell him at dinner when he tells you.


"Flash. Flash!"

For the first time ever, Flash wasn't paying attention in decathalon practice. His eyes were glued to his phone, his attention focused somewhere around you instead of being better than Peter Parker.

"Are you going to actually answer me this time, or are we going to assume you're just a corpse at our next competition?" Michelle asked.

Flash grimaced. "I'm here, alright?"

"What's gotten into you?" Ned asked. "You were weird before, yeah, but now you're just not normal."

"Nothing's wrong with me, Nerd Leeds," he snapped.

Ned blinked. "Ouch, but weak attempt."

Michelle leaned forward against the table. She narrowed her eyes right at Flash and hummed under her breath. He swallowed.

She nodded. "You're totally in love," she stated matter-of-factly. She shook her head. "It's disgusting, but I'm assuming it's your girlfriend you're obsessed with."

Abe threw his hands up. "Ugh! Of course it is. He never talks about anyone else." He gestured at Flash dramatically with his hand. "He even grew facial hair for that girl."

"If your girlfriend was as hot as mine, you definitely would," he said, looking back down at his phone. He smiled as the picture of you on the beach.

Michelle smiled a little. "When's she coming home?"

"Tomorrow," he said.

She nodded. "I'm happy for you, Flash."

He glanced up at her. "Thanks, MJ."

As Michelle turned her attention back to practice, Flash looked at the picture again. He quickly clicked on your contact and sent you a text, his heart full of warmth.

Babe - you look gorgeous in the picture you just posted. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!! Enjoy your last day on vacation.

He turned off his phone and scratched his face, which was itchy again. He couldn't wait to tell you that he loved you.

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