No More Secrets | Ned Leeds

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Peter yawned as he opened up his locker and shoved his backpack inside. He slid out a couple of textbooks out and added them to the stack in his arm.

"Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude."

Peter knew who it was before he even turned his head. He smiled and shut his locker door, turning towards the voice of his best friend.

"Hey Ned," he greeted. He raised his eyebrows. "What's up with you?"

"I need you to do me a huge favor, bro," he said, waving his arms dramatically.

"Sure. What is it?"

"I need you to give me permission to tell ___ that you're Spider-Man so I won't have to hide anything from her."

Peter blinked once. "What?"

Ned rolled his eyes. "I know your spidey-sense hearing heard me. I need you to give me permission to tell ___ that you're Spider-Man."

Peter scoffed. "Uh no way!"

"Come on!" Ned whined.

"I-I didn't know you two were still a thing, anyway," he said, walking around his friend.

Ned followed closely behind. "Uh, yeah. She's just not that big on PDA. Do you blame her? The guys in this school are pigs." He shook his head. "Anyway, last night we were at her place and we were talking about secrets. She told me that her fourth cousin was in prison for killing someone in a bathtub at a motel. Insane, right?"


"Well, when it was my turn, I thought of your secret - which is also like my biggest secret, and I was starting to sweat because I'd never sell you out, Pete, but that's my girlfriend! I can't tell her my biggest secret was that all I got were Legos for my fifteenth birthday! She's gotta know that you're Spider-Man!"

He shook his head. "She really doesn't, Ned," Peter insisted.

Ned sighed. He turned his head, exhausted and on the brink of giving up. Peter was forming an apology when he saw you walk up to them.

You placed a hand on Ned's back and smiled at him. He turned his head and grinned childishly. You wedged yourself between the boys and held out a paper cup of coffee.

"Morning, babe," you said cheerfully. "I know you were up all night studying, so I got you a caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream."

Ned's face blanched at your words. He glanced at Peter, a warning glare in his eyes. Peter understood.

He had lied and said he was studying all night when, in reality, he left your house and went straight to Peter's. He was helping Spider-Man bust some drug dealers all night - not once picking up a textbook.

"I thought the extra whipped cream would be a good sugar boost," you said. You narrowed your eyes on him. "Wait - are you okay?" You looked at Peter and saw a similar look on his face. You nodded in understanding. "Oh. Okay, obviously I intruded on something. My bad."

Ned stuttered as you pushed the coffee into his empty hand. He shook his head quickly. "No, babe, I-"

"It's cool, Ned," you said, grinning. "You were talking to Peter and I just stepped in. I'll see you at lunch, okay?" You touched his arm briefly before disappearing down the hall.

"She seems cool with you keeping secrets," Peter observed.

"Yeah, for now! She's cool with everything but what happens when she's not? I don't want to lose her because of something I didn't even mean to see!"

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