Already Home | Peter Parker [TH]

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The familiar sound of thwip! followed by the pat of feet against pavement made you turn and smile. The masked Spider-Man stood at the end of the alley, walking towards you slowly, face unreadable behind the mask.

"Hey, you," you said, shoving your hands in the pockets of your leather jacket. Sadly, your superhero suit hadn't been funded by billionaire Tony Stark, so you wore layers of warm clothes to protect yourself from the cold and from getting hurt.

"Hey," he said, voice low and a little shy.

You smiled; you and Spider-Man weren't exactly dating, but you weren't just best friends, either. You were somehow both and neither - working together, often holding hands, often voicing love for one another aloud. And that was perfect for you.

"Slow night," you commented.

"Yeah, my spidey senses haven't tingled even once," he said. "I guess I shouldn't complain, since that means we have time to hang out."

"Oh yes, because freezing outside all night is my idea for a perfect hang out!"

He threw his head back. "Oh my gosh, you drama queen! It's not even that cold. Barely thirty six, no big deal." He laughed and grabbed your hand. "Come on, I have pizza up on the roof of Delmar's."

Up on the roof of Peter's beloved corner store, legs dangling, shoulders touching, masks rolled up over your noses to eat, you felt completely at home. Because that was what Peter was for your hero - a home.

"There's only one piece left," you commented.

"You want it?" he asked.

"Yes," you said, snatching it. "You've had two more than me already."

"True, but-" He grabbed your wrist and swooped down to take a bite off the crust. You gasped, horror filling you as the cheese slid off the sauce and splattered on the sidewalk below.

"Peter!" you screamed, staring at the splatter of cheese and pepperoni on horror. "My pizza!"

He was choking on laughter, crust hanging out of his mouth. You sighed and dropped the piece of sauce covered crust in the box and wiped your hands.

"I can't believe you-"

He stopped laughing. You noticed this at once, having worked with him for so long now. He swallowed his food and looked around. You remained patient and quiet at his side, perfectly alert.

"Something's coming," he said, and just like that, a giant winged creature flew and crashed through the roof of a warehouse across the street. It soared into the sky, sharp metal wings glinting in the streetlight.

Peter gasped and stood up, pulling you with him. You pulled out your small gun - a blaster type thing that you had invented yourself. It resembled something off of a sci-fi movie, and was technically your only power.

Peter's arm slung around your waist and he shot a web out, catching it on the bottom of one of the wings. You held onto him tightly as he leapt off of the ledge and you were flying, moving your arms to grip the web as you went higher and higher.

"Get close enough to shoot!" Peter said. "I'll yank him down!"

You nodded, pulling yourself up the thin, sticky web inch by inch. Your gloves often got stuck and your cheeks burned against the cold. You'd forgotten your mask.

You pressed on.

Peter was pulling back, his body weight barely enough to slow down the winged creature and definitely not enough to make it notice. In fact, it didn't notice at all until Peter slipped on a sheet of ice on the sidewalk and fell back, sliding on the road on his bottom and back.

"Ah, my butt!" he yelled, and you wanted to scream.

The winged creature turned its masked head and its green eyes stared daggers at you. You lost your hold briefly, panicked as you grabbed for your blaster. You raised it and pointed it, only to have his wing knock it out of your hands and send it plummeting to the ground.

The wind turned once and sliced the web in half, making you call out and jolt as the web was cut and Peter was rolling on the road, disconnected from you.

"Peter!" you screamed, seeing him grow smaller and smaller. "Peter!" The winged thing grabbed you by the collar of your coat, making you choke as you called his name again.

He got up, clumsily pushing himself back on to his feet by his fingers. He sprinted down the road, hand out to shoot a web. He missed. You were out of reach, screaming for him louder, panicked and scared -

"___!" he yelled, webbing himself to the next tallest thing; a skyscraper. He climbed up most of it, his name leaving your lips every two seconds. "Stop!"


You were over the water now, and there was one terrifying moment of realization, eyes on Peter, who was still too far away.

And then you were dropped.

All of the air rushed out of your body and you cut through it, feeling the sharp sting of cold and the shock fill you. Peter was leaping towards the water when you sliced through it, a dozen ice cold knives piercing your skin on impact.

You sank fast, the layers of clothes impossible to move in. You were in such depths that you couldn't see for the brief moment you opened your eyes. You shut them tight, feeling them sting and burn.

You struggled and swam until you were tired, and then you moved like you were plunged in a vat of Jell-O. Slowly, you lost all feeling in your limbs, a swell of pain taking home in just your chest.

You were so numb that the hand around your wrist felt like nothing.

But you were soon out of the water, thrown onto the equally as cold floor of the dock, and your coat was unzipped and a hand was on your chest, pushing water out of your lungs. You spit it all out, feeling it slide down the sides of your throat and run into your ears.

"That's it, that's it," Peter said softly, voice breaking in all places, "breathe, ___. Just breathe." He stroked your hair. "Breathe."

You cracked your eyes open and saw him, unmasked and worried. Your throat ached as you spoke through trembling lips. "Peter-"

"I'm here," he said, leaning close. He looked over you. "You're okay, right? Nothing is broken?"

"N-N-No," you managed to say.

"Gosh, you're freezing," he said. "Okay, and your lips are blue. I'm taking you home." His arm went under your back, the other snaking its way under your legs. You whimpered as he lifted you off the ground and cradled you against him, starting the long walk home.

"P-Peter, I'm getting you s-soaked," you said. "Put me d-down."

"No," he said. "I don't want you to get frostbite. Karen, turn on the heater." At that moment, his chest and arms suddenly became the temperature of a heater. You sighed. "Is that better, ___?"

"Yeah," you sighed. You were shaking violently.

"Hang in there," he said softly. "I'm going as fast as I can."

"I know," you said. You pressed your face to his chest. Your trembling lips opened and a puff of air was visible against the sky. "I love you."

His voice was wavering, and you swore you heard tears in his throat. "I love you, too. I'm sorry I couldn't stop him before he dropped you."

"S'okay," you said. "I didn't die, so I think that means we won."

He laughed. "We will win, I promise. I'm gonna find that guy."

"Let's talk about this when I'm not freezing to death, okay?"

"Okay," he said. "We're almost home."

Of course, you were already home.

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