Only Ever Be Him (Part Two) | Peter Parker [TH]

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"Hey, Happy," Peter said into his cellphone. "I just thought I'd let you know that I'm calling in early. I saved an old man today from getting attacked by a rabid alley cat. He was pretty grumpy about it though. It sort of sucked when he yelled at me for interrupting him. I don't really want to know what he was doing behind that dumpster.

"Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know in case... ya know, Mr. Stark needs me or something. I don't know. I'm gonna be hanging with my girlfriend all day today. She's so cool, seriously. She's the best. She's got the prettiest hair and her smile... and those eyes? Wow. And she likes me a lot so that's pretty cool.

"Oh! That's her walking up to my apartment. I gotta go! I'll call you later. Maybe you'll pick up next time!" He ended the call with an uneasy laugh and pulled his legs back in the window, silently landing on his feet.

He started to slip off his suit quickly, not bothering to shut the door. He had a hoodie halfway over his head and jeans bunched up at his knees when he heard three delicate knocks against the front door.

"Peter!" Aunt May called. "___'s here!"

"Just a sec!" he yelled back, yanking up his jeans. He pulled his shirt down so it covered his toned stomach and kicked his suit under the bed. He'd get to it later.

Peter hurried out of his room, already smiling before he could even reach you. You were standing at the door, a lunch box in your hands. He glanced at it questionably and you beamed.

"I brought popsicles!" you announced.


You and Peter sat side by side on the rooftop, quietly eating popsicles and swinging your legs over the side. Peter finished off an orange one and dropped the wrapped behind him before grabbing a green one.

"Is that your third one?" you asked, licking at the blue one you'd been working on the entire time.

He nodded, tongue prodding at the drop of orange syrup at the corner of his mouth. "Uh-huh. But I saved you a red one, don't worry."

You smiled and opened your hand, an invitation for him to slide his fingers between yours. He did so.

"How was protecting the city today?" you asked.

"Oh, you know," Peter said, giving a bouncing shrug. "Same old Queens." He gave you a sideways glance. "How was detention?"

"About the same as every other day this week," you groaned, rolling your eyes so far you were sure they'd get stuck. "I swear, if I have to hear Captain America call me a screw up one more time..."

"At least it's just one more day," he encouraged.


"And maybe we can do something tomorrow to celebrate," he said. "We can go to the movies or just go out for Thai."

You smiled. "That does sound fun."

Peter chewed a chunk of sugary ice. "And I can tell you the story of me stealing Cap's shield again."

"You say his name like you've been buddies for a long time," you said, laughing.

"Nah, I've actually only talked to him before he tried to crush me to death," he said.

You shook your head. "That makes it really hard to like that guy."

Peter laughed. He squeezed your hand and stated off at the skyline. From way up on the roof, you could see every possibly detail of the upcoming sunset. It was very relaxing.

"Hey, Peter?" you asked, your voice soft and airy, almost as if you were in a dream.

"Last week you said that you had a surprise for me," you said, referring to the last time you ever ate lunch with Mark. "What was the surprise?"

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