Waiting For You | Peter Parker [TH]

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"Hey, Ned- have you seen Peter?"

You were holding Ned's arm, keeping him from disappearing in the boys lockeroom. All morning you had worried about Peter, your boyfriend, who had missed first period. It wasn't normal for him to skip that class, especially since there was a big unit test and he had missed it. He'd also ignored all of your texts.

"No," he said, giving an apologetic smile, "I haven't, sorry."

You frowned. "Where the heck is he?"

"Beats me," he said. "I'm gonna get changed. See ya out there." He walked in the locker room, the door shutting behind him.

You went to the girls lockeroom and got changed in sweats and your Midtown t-shirt. You checked your phone once more for Peter, but there was nothing. You sighed and put your phone away, then walked into the gym.

You sighed with relief when you saw Peter on the bleachers, elbows on his knees, back hunched. He looked exhausted.

You walked over and sat down next to him. He glanced up and didn't smile, which is weird.

"Hey, babe," you said, lighthearted as ever. "Where were you?"

"Home," he mumbled.

"Sleep in?" you asked. He nodded. "Pete, I told you to stop staying up so late."

"I had things to do," he said.

"I know it's tough with homework and everything, but you slept right through first period and missed the test-"

"I got it, okay?" he suddenly snapped, glaring at you. Your mouth hung open as he set his jaw tight. "I get it. I get what you're saying, but I can't follow everything you tell me to do." He pretended to fix his shoelaces. "Just stop, okay?"

Your mouth closed slowly. Your eyes were wet and your cheeks were pink. MJ and Ned had heard it all. You stood up and walked off towards the locker rooms. When the gym teacher stopped you, you lied and said you had cramps, then went off to get dressed.

You were so embarrassed and hurt. Peter had never snapped at you. He always was so caring... and you were, too, and that's what surprised you most. Usually he found your deep concern for him endearing, but he has gotten mad-

You understood he was tired. You understood school sucked. But he had no right-

You sniffed and wiped your cheeks with the back of your hand.

After getting changed in your clothes and putting away your sweats, you washed your face until the red was gone and grabbed your books. You walked out of the locker room, and as soon as you did, a hand grabbed the door.

"Peter," you said, surprised, then, dropping your eyes, "what are you doing? This is the girls locker-"

"I'm sorry," he said. You didn't say anything. "___," he sighed, "I am sorry. I knew it was wrong to get mad at you and I did it anyway."

You looked up at him and bit down on your lip. "It's okay," you decided. "You're tired. I should have given you space, probably."

He sighed again and threw his arms around you. He tugged you to his chest and pressed his cheek to the top of your head. "I'm sorry, babe," he said, and he held you a little tighter. "Things have been so hard lately... at least we have homecoming to look forward to."

"Yeah," you said, and you smiled. "Yeah. I can't wait."


On the days leading up to homecoming, you and Peter couldn't be more excited. You had your dress picked out and Peter was teasing you about the flower he had decided to surprise you with (instead of you picking it out, he wanted to, just because he knew what would match your eyes) and he was just happy.

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