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Jungkook stood infront of the school gates and sighed. He didn't want to enter because this place was basically equal to hell, especially for him. But then again, did he have a choice? The bell rang, startling him a little. Quickly, he scurried inside along with other students, quietly walking through the corridors where pupils happily talked about their weekend. Jungkook just sighed once more and walked faster.

As he reached his locker, he grabbed the stuff he needed for today's classes and closed it. He then made his way to his classroom and sat down at the very back. Soon, the classroom was filled with laughing and chattering students. Jungkook looked up from his sketch book and glanced around uncomfortably. He didn't like most of the people because everyone in here kinda was an asshole, even though they didn't look like it but he'd seen their true nature.

His eyes wandered to the empty seat next to him, praying that he would still show up because Jungkook knew that a day without him was boring and uncomfortable. The bell rang once more and the teacher started the lesson. But there was still no sign of his best friend. Giving up on him, Jungkook crouched down in his seat, knowing that this was probably going to be a very long and hard day.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a heavy breathing boy came in sight. He had a slim figure and was quite small for his age. His hair was mint-green, his orbs dark and his cheeks were squishy and a tad red from running. Jungkook's eyes lightened up in relief.

"What's your excuse this time, Mr. Min?" the teacher sighed.

"I overslept." Jungkook's best friend Min Yoongi answered nonchalantly and some students giggled.

"I wonder if you'll ever manage to show up on time."

Yoongi just shrugged in response.

"Whatever. Just sit down and be quiet."

While walking towards Jungkook, he showed him his trademark gummy smile.

"I'm so glad you showed up, Yoongz." Jungkook whispered as soon as Yoongi settled down next to him.

"Of course I would show up. I mean, I can't just leave you alone for an entire day, right Kook?" he grinned and ruffled Jungkook's hair.

"I let this one slide but that doesn't mean that you're allowed to talk in class!" the teacher's voice cut them off and they shut up, finally paying attention.

Jungkook was really lucky to have Yoongi by his side. They've known each other practically their whole life and had been best friends ever since they were born. They always shared their secrets with each other and there was basically nothing they didn't know about one another. Also, the two were inseparable, meeting up at least twice a week to play games on their consoles together or going to a park to just chatter.

Once the bell rang again, Yoongi sighed happily.

"Let's go, I'm hungry as fuck."

"Has there been a time where you haven't been hungry?" Jungkook laughed and Yoongi briefly pondered before shaking his head.

"Nope. Come on, hurry up."

The smaller boy dragged him out of the classroom straight to their lockers. They grabbed their food and started walking to cafeteria.

"By the way, what did you do last weekend when I was at my grandparent's?" Yoongi asked while chewing on his sandwich as they made their way down the broad stairs.

"Uh, nothing interesting to be honest. I actually just slept most of the time."

"Same. It's so boring when you're all by yourself the entire weekend." Yoongi sighed and the younger agreed wholeheartly.

"How about we meet up this weekend to play some Overwatch, how does that sound?" the mint-haired boy grinned and Jungkook agreed quickly by nodding violently.

"I'd love to—"

But before Jungkook could even finish, he already found himself sitting on the ground.

"Watch where you're going, dumbass." an upperclassman snarled.

Nodding timidly, Jungkook uttered a quick "Y-yes, I'm sorry".

The other one scoffed, but eventually walked away much to Jungkook's relief. Yoongi glared daggers at the older before scoffing.

"How many times did I tell you not to just apologise but to man up? Especially with that body of yours it would be child's play to beat them up."

"But I don't wanna get suspended..."

Yoongi sighed and pulled the younger one to his feet. The brunette didn't respond and Yoongi huffed in defeat, hitting his shoulder gently.

"Whatever. Just speak up next time, got it?"

Jungkook nodded slowly.

"Whatever, let's forget about that, food is waiting!"

And without waiting for his answer, Yoongi dragged him downstairs.




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