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»Can we all stay the night?«

"Yoongz, can I talk to you for a second?" Jungkook asked dryly and Yoongi sighed but nodded anyways, he knew this was going to happen.

They left the others behind right away and walked up to Yoongi's room, locking the door as soon as they were inside.

"I don't want Taehyung to stay the night here." Jungkook breathed out in exhaustion, letting himself fall onto his best friend's bed.

The whole day he has been acting like an asshole towards Taehyung and to be honest, it hurt him seeing the blonde in this state but it was all part of the plan and Jungkook knew he mustn't fuck this up like last time.

"I know, Kook..." Yoongi sat down next to him, "But if you keep pushing him away, Taehyung is soon going to give up."

"You mean he won't try to talk to me ever again?" Jungkook asked alarmed, shooting up from the bed.


The brunette sighed, burying his head in the palms of his hands.

"Why is love so hard?"

"I don't know, Kook."

"Ugh.. What should we do now?" Jungkook asked, glancing up at the mint-haired boy.

"I think we should let them stay for tonight. We have to make Taehyung think that he still has a chance with you. By that I mean you shouldn't ignore or refuse to talk to him like you've done for the past week because Taehyung might think that you're already over him, y'know?"

"Shit, you're right. I didn't think about that at all. But... how should I act towards him now?"

"I think you should gradually try to get back to normal, however, not your kind of 'normal' but Taehyung's former kind of 'normal', you know what I mean?"

"So I should act like I don't really care about Taehyung but still talk a little with him?"

"Kinda, behave nonchalantly but you also gotta make it look like he still has a chance with you. Long story short, just try to imitate Taehyung before he rejected you."

"Sounds good." Jungkook smiled.

"Alright, then let's go downstairs before the others start worrying."

Jungkook nodded and they exited Yoongi's room. However, just as they wanted to descend the stairs, they heard someone arguing in the livingroom.

"Tae, please, stop talking nonsense." the two heard Namjoon sigh and then looked at each other in confusion.

What was he talking about?

"You know it's true, Joonie," Taehyung spoke up, "it's pretty obvious that he doesn't want me here. Understandable, after everything I've done to him.."

"Taehyung, it's not like that—"

"Really, Jiminie? Why do you think he just asked Yoongi to talk to him in private, huh? Do you think they're planning a second confession, or what?! Because I think the fuck not! Why don't you see that Jungkook hates me? They're probably discussing how to get rid of me the fastest way possible!"

Jungkook's and Yoongi's eyes widened and they wanted to go down quickly but Minjoon's voice kept them from doing so.

"That's not true!"

Everyone's eyes widened as they turned towards Jungkook's brother.

"It's not true, Taetae-hyung! Kookie-hyung doesn't hate you!" the little brunette said confidently.

"He really likes you!"

Taehyung chuckled bitterly and squatted down infront of him.

"Listen buddy, your brother may have liked me once... But not anymore, Mini.. I've hurt him even though he wasn't the one at fault, so I doubt he still likes me." Taehyung explained, voice laced with sadness.

"No! He still likes you! My brother has been really sad recently, I'm sure he's waiting for you to apologise!"

"Mini, I don't thi—"

"Please apologise then..." Minjoon mumbled, "because Kookie said he can't live without you."

Taehyung went silent, not knowing what to respond.

"What's going on in here? We heard you guys fighting." Yoongi said, walking down the stairs, Jungkook right behind him.

"You can all stay the night by the way." the brunette said, his eyes immediately meeting Taehyung's surprised ones.

"Ha, told you." Minjoon grinned and Taehyung smiled at him weakly.

After that being said they dragged mattresses, blankets and pillows into the livingroom while Yoongi and Jungkook put their brothers to bed. As soon as the two came back down, they began to argue who'd get which place. Basically, there were five mattresses right next to each other and the two remaining ones were a bit further away.

"I call dibs on that one!" Taehyung said and jumped onto one of the two secluded mattrasses.

"And I want this one!" Jungkook decided and before anyone could protest, he landed on the mattress right next to Taehyung although there were five other places available.

The room got quiet and Taehyung's widened, looking at the younger who was stretching himself like a cute kitten. The other five didn't dwell on the matter much longer and quickly began to argue once again while the blonde not being able to take his eyes of Jungkook until the brunette noticed.


"You just looked like a kitten." Taehyung blurted out but slapped his hand over his mouth the second he realised what he just said.

"A kitten?" Jungkook cocked an eyebrow and Taehyung hid his face behind his hands in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright." he shrugged and surprised, the older looked up to see a smiling Jungkook.


Taehyung blushed, making Jungkook chuckle and curl himself into a ball. Meanwhile, their hyungs were done choosing their place aswell and everyone said goodnight, closing their eyes.


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