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When Jungkook came home the next day, his parents almost suffered a heart attack as they saw their oldest son's hands covered in bandages and they freaked out even more when they saw Jungkook's bruised knees.

The younger however just told them that he fell down pretty bad however not the reason behind the fall. Thankfully, his parents believed him and the younger went upstairs, trying not hiss because his knees were killing him.

Carefully plopping down onto his bed, Jungkook fished his phone out of his pocket and immediately dialed her number, just as Yoongi had told him. Jungkook's whole body eased up as she answered the call a few seconds afterwards.

"Hey bunny, how's life?"

Jungkook giggled, rolling around so he was laying on his stomach.

"Hey, life's never been this horrible." he laughed quietly.

"Oh shit, is it about— Sorry, are you alone?"

"Yeah I am, but I can't believe you still remembered to ask whether I was alone."

"Well, after you once almost killed me through the phone when I accidentally said Taehyung's name out loud I always triple check if you're alone."

Jungkook chuckled, slowly realising how much he was missing her.

"It's alright, I locked myself in my room and the others are watching a movie downstairs."

"Good, so what's up? You don't sound okay at all. Something happened, right?"

"You guessed it.."

Jungkook gulped, trying to blink away the tears.

"Did you get rejected?"

The brunette didn't answer anything as hot tear rolled down his cheeks.

"Mhm." he whimpered as he curled himself into a ball and began to sob quietly.

"Bunbun, don't cry." she said softly.

"You need to tell me about what happened before the rejection or else I won't be able to help you. Come on, you're a strong bunny, don't cry."

After listening to her soothing words, Jungkook stopped crying and wiped his tears away while sniffling. Soon, he was able to tell her about what happened between them before he got rejected.

"It all started when Yoongz dragged me to Taehyung's house which was even before we got assigned to do the biology project together. A week afterwards Yoongz already told me that he assumed that Taehyung didn't want to be friends with me and forbade me to text him via Snapchat. But of course I didn't listen to him and kept writing with him anyways. And then something crazy and unbelieveable happened. During the period of the project he kissed me twice and—"

"Wait, what? He kissed you? Twice?"

Jungkook let out a breathy chuckle, thinking back to the exhilarating events.

"Yeah... after the project was done he distanced himself from me so I thought he still hated me but Yoongz somehow managed that we all met up again. With them I'm talking about Seokjin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung, they are Taehyung's brothers and their best friends Jimin and Hoseok. We actually wanted to go for a walk but the brothers had to stay home for a photoshoot so we kept them company and I ended up with Taehyung. Alone. In one dressing room."

"Lemme guess. He kissed you again."

"Y-yeah, although it was more of a makeout session..." Jungkook mumbled and blushed.

"But just like during the previous kisses he got carried away, he made that pretty clear afterwards, he was some kind of trance I guess. Soon, our PE classes got mixed up and he saw my abs during the first lesson thanks to that stupid teacher. But during the second one Taehyung suddenly disappeared and he would've died if I hadn't searched for him. Taehyung passed out in the dressing room but I gave him CPR and accompanied him to the hospital. On that day we officially became friends. But the following day something really weird happened. We kissed again. But it was completely different this time. It was just a single kiss, it was gentle and not at all rough. And I could that he wasn't in a trance this time, yet he still let it happen. After he got discharged he saw me getting bullied by two boys who told me to never talk to him. Taehyung protected me and scared them away. When I apologised he shushed me with another kiss which ended in another makeout session. H-he even k-kissed my a-abs and m-my— n-nevermind." Jungkook hid his face in his hands embarrassed while she laughed loudly.

"A-anyways, that was the day before I confessed. And well, you know the rest. Thanks for listening..."

"I'll always listen to you, baby bunny. Now, do you wanna hear my opinion? This guy probably is head over heels for you, he just doesn't know it yet."

"W-what?! He would n-never—"

"Who kisses or rather makes out with a person four times? Didn't you say that he wasn't even in a trance during the last time? And judging from your description it sounded like he wanted to devour you."

"N-no, y-you misunderstood—"

"What did his kisses feel like Jungkook? Were they uncomfortable and rough or sweet and gentle?"

"T-they felt s-sweet and gentle..."

"Just as I thought."

"B-but that doesn't—"

"It felt like he put all his emotions into the kisses, right?"

Jungkook became silent, words stuck in his throat. She was right. Everything she said was true.

"Then why did he reject me?" Jungkook asked in a small voice.

"Fear, Jungkook. Fear makes people do things they would usually never do. He realised that he had developed feelings for you but he probably was too overwhelmed with your sudden question and now he's using lame excuses why he doesn't want to be together with you."

"O-okay... And what should we do now?"

"We have to make him notice how much of a mistake this was until he comes back to you on his own."

"But how?"

"Don't worry, baby bunny, I already have an idea."


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