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After the door which connected the showers and the pool was closed, Taehyung let out a deep breath, collapsing against the wall, barely able to hold himself up. His breathing became ragged and his vision turned blurry. Groaning quietly, Taehyung slowly started walking towards the changing rooms where also the lockers were located.

Legs becoming wobbly, the blonde shook his head which was a bad idea because the headache from before immediately came back. Hissing, Taehyung opened the door to the changing rooms with trembling hands, hoping that there was no one inside.

But he was lucky, at the moment not a single person was in there. Even though Taehyung already walked extremely slow and careful, breathing became harder and harder. In the middle of the room, his feet weakened, causing him to fall down and hit the ground uncomfortably.

"S-shit.." Taehyung panted, hardly being able to get up properly.

He then arrived at his locker what felt like ages, slowly feeling himself dizzy once again. Quickly grabbing his bag, Taehyung wobbled over to the lockable cabin, but as soon as he was inside, he noticed his consciousness slipping away.

"N-no, n-not now!" he franctically tried to lock the door, however before was able to do that, Taehyung fainted and his body collapsed on the floor with a loud thud.

Something really felt off to Jungkook. He was checking the time each 20 seconds but to him it felt like hours. Where did Taehyung go? Because no person on this earth takes 10 minutes to drink and come back. The more time passed, the more worried Jungkook got.

"Hey guys, where's Tae?" Jimin asked in confusion and that's when the youngest lost it.

"Can I please go drink something?" Jungkook asked and the teacher nodded.

The brunette walked calmly at first but as soon as the door of the shower area was closed, he sped up, searching for Taehyung.

"Taehyung? Where are you?" he called out, soon reaching the changing rooms.

He opened the door carefully to see if anyone was inside. But no one could be seen.

"Where did he go? He wouldn't just skip lessons, would he?" Jungkook said more to himself than for anyone else.

He exited the lockerroom through the other door, ignoring the burning stares of some girls of his school on his naked chest, who were about to enter the women's changing room. Jungkook sighed and got inside again, deciding to search somewhere else. Before the Maknae left, he let his eyes roam the room once more until he suddenly noticed something.

At the bottom of the door of the closeable changing room he saw a head. And Jungkook's eyes widened drastically because he knew exactly whom it belonged to. Fear and worry washing over his body, the Maknae rushed over, slamming the door open, revealing an unconscious Taehyung.

"No no no no no! H-hyung, please!" Jungkook panicked as he hauled Taehyung up into his lap, softly hitting his cheek.

"C-can you hear me?"

Voice breaking, Jungkook's eyes became teary as Taehyung didn't respond.


Nervously, Jungkook checked if he was breathing. The brunette's heart stopped beating for a second when he didn't hear him breath after waiting 10 seconds.

"N-no, t-this shouldn't be happening!"

Tears fell from his eyes, but he knew he had to force himself to concentrate in order to save Taehyung since he had absolved a first aid course recently. Gently placing the blonde down on the floor, he started doing chest compressions while screaming for help. People immediately rushed inside and Jungkook told them to call an ambulance and inform the teacher while he continued with his actions.

"Please, Taehyung." Jungkook sobbed, bending down to give him CPR.

"Stay with me."


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