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The next time Jungkook got woken up, he was sort of glad that it wasn't a pair of lips wrapped around his dick but Minji shaking his shoulder gently.

"Hey, wake up, bun."

"What?" he murmured drowsily, eyelids fluttering.

"Wake up, it's already past 12 pm." she smiled.

"Mhm, just gimme five more mins.." he dropped his face back on his pillow, inhaling Taehyung's sweet scent.

"Alright but hurry up, we need to practise the choreos."

Giving her a thumbs up, the girl left the room and closed the door behind her. Pressing the sleeping blonde closer against him, Jungkook looked down to admire his beautiful face, a weak smile forming on his lips. His energy was pretty much drained from their previous actions and he started getting hungry.

"Wake up." he whispered, carressing his cheek.

God, how much he wanted this situation to be their everyday life. Jungkook waking up, Taehyung's face being the first thing he saw as the blonde was sleeping in his arms until he would wake his angel up with tiny loving kisses, still staying in bed nontheless to cuddle and kiss more. Jungkook's heart warmed at the thought but as Taehyung shifted slightly in his arms, he was pulled back into reality.

'Not yet, Jungkook... You need to be a hundred percent sure before you're going down that road again.' he warned himself and sighed, gently slipping out of the embrace.

He then walked over to his closet and stripped down his boxers after checking if Taehyung was really asleep. Because Jungkook was pretty sure that he wouldn't survive one of the blonde's godly blowjobs anymore if it were to end that way again.

He threw on a pair of ripped jeans over his black boxers, combined with a white shirt. Jungkook quickly rummaged through his wardrobe and picked out some clothes for Taehyung. He then walked back to the sleeping figure sprawled out on his bed and sat down next to him, thumb carressing his cheek softly.

"Taehyung, wake up..." he mumbled and shook his shoulder gently.

Taehyung only made a disapproving noise and rolled to the side. Jungkook sighed and turned him back, shaking him harder.

"Wake up, it's already past noon." he said, relieved as the older opened one eye to look at him.

"Five more... minutes.." the blonde said groggily, cuddling into Jungkook's pillow.

The brunette sighed once more, mind playing with the thought of just throwing the other out of his bed when the perfect idea hit him. Lips curving into a sly smirk, he crawled over the barely awake Taehyung, leaning down so his mouth right next to his ear. Before the blonde could even register what was happening, Jungkook already whispered something in his ear.

"If you don't get up now, I'll punish you."

It took Taehyung's sleepy brain a few seconds to process with what Jungkook just had threatened him and when he did, he shot up, his face beet red. The brunette chuckled, throwing some clothes infront of him.

"Get changed and come downstairs."

After Taehyung was done changing he joined the others in the kitchen where Minji had already prepared lunch for them. After grabbing a plate and putting food onto it, Taehyung settled down next to Jimin at the table, quietly munching on his food.

"Alright, I got up early today to work on the other choreographies and I'm pretty much done with everthing except—"

Minji wasn't able to continue because Jungkook and Taehyung simultaneously choked on their food and broke out in a coughing fit right afterwards, faces tinted red from embarrassment. She had been awake the whole time? Well, it wouldn't have been much of a problem if they'd been quiet. The thing was, they weren't.

"Dimple and Blood Sweat & Tears..." she finished slowly, raising an eyebrow at the two males who had trouble breathing properly.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon joined, also quirking a brow in suspicion.

Both nodded frantically, trying to play it cool by waving it off, their faces however telling a different story.

"Whatever, so as I was saying, I'm done with Boy with Luv and ON. After you're done, come to the garden and we'll practice." she smiled before walking out.

Taehyung gulped and glanced at Jungkook. He still looked pretty pale, his eyes telling that he regretted everything. The blonde felt a pang in his chest as he watched the younger sigh after Minji left, ruffling his hair in a stressed manner.

A few hours ago, the blonde was so incredibly happy that Jungkook gave in and touched him so intimately but now he slowly began to regret his actions as he saw guilt shimmer in the brunette's eyes. To Taehyung it looked like he just wanted to run after Minji and tell her that everything she heard was a mistake.

Maybe he was just a distraction to Jungkook, a toy, worthless... Maybe the other was just playing with him... Maybe he already moved on and was now in love with his beloved childhood friend Minji? Toxic thoughts clouded his mind as Taehyung silently kept on eating the meal, praying that his assumptions weren't coming true...


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