①②⓪| 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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Taehyung shifted on the bed, slowly waking up, eyes fluttering open. The first thing he saw was the orange beams of the sunset shining into the bedroom, making his tanned skin glow. Nestling his face further into his pillow, the blonde closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm breeze brushing the naked skin of his hickey-covered back, only a thin duvet covering his abdomen.

Suddenly, the door creaked open which went unnoticed by the sleepy blonde until something fluffy crawled onto his back, tiny paws sprawled out on the skin as the Pomeranian bounced up to his owner's face, fondly licking his cheek.

"Tan, stop." Taehyung giggled and Yeontan sniffed cutely, curling himself into ball in the space between the blonde's shoulder blades.

All of a sudden, Taehyung noticed his husband wasn't in his usual place next to him. Automatically feeling his body get colder, the blonde pouted, gently setting the dog on the bed before getting up and slipping a pair of new boxers on.

Yeontan hopped off the bed and shuffled over to the wide opened balcony door, barking to get Taehyung's attention. The blonde followed the fluffball outside and spotted his husband who was only dressed in boxershorts sitting on their outdoor sofa, smiling down at the drooling dog whose tummy he was scratching. Noticing Taehyung's presence once he walked closer, Jungkook gave him a bunny smile.

"Good evening, Mr. Jeon, slept well?" he teased and the blonde chuckled, scooping the puppy up to settle down on his husband's lap sideways before placing the Pomeranian into his own.

"Of course, I always do after you fuck my brains out." Taehyung whispered seductively and pecked the other's lips before resting his face in the juncture of Jungkook's neck.

The brunette chuckled and wrapped an arm around his husband's waist, pulling him closer into his side. Smiling happily, Taehyung began to stroke Jungkook's hair with one hand, the other one scratching Yeontan's tummy. The brunette joined aswell and soon, their dog was laying on its fluffy back, tongue hanging out while drool dripped down his chin.

"Do we spoil him too much?" Taehyung asked with a grin and Jungkook chuckled in response.

"Maybe, but I don't care, he's our precious little baby."

As if he understood they were talking about him, Yeontan jumped up and barked. The couple laughed and cuddled their dog a little longer until he fell asleep on Taehyung's lap. Carrying the floofball inside, the blonde placed Yeontan onto their bed and walked back outside with a duvet.

He sat back down on Jungkook's lap, pulling the thin fabric over them. The younger began to shower his neck with featherlight kisses and Taehyung appreciatively closed his eyes, the hand on Jungkook's thigh carressing the skin with circular motions of his thumb. Soon, the blonde became tired and snuggled closer to his husband who gently rocked him in his arms.

"Every time I'm sitting out here by myself, I can't help but think about how everything started." Jungkook murmured softly and Taehyung hummed.

"All of this started because I texted you on Snapchat... then the biology project happened and we kissed for the first time. Afterwards our PE classes got mixed and you landed in the hospital. As I confessed a few weeks later, my world shattered into a million pieces when you rejected me but I had no clue that you already were kind of feeling the same. I can't believe it took us so long to figure out how to get together."

Again, Taehyung let out a tired hum and Jungkook smiled, planting a loving kiss on his husband's forehead whose eyes were already closed but the younger knew he wasn't asleep yet, so he began to sing Euphoria.

As the song lulled Taehyung into the land of dreams, Jungkook stared up at the fiery red and orange sky, a soft breeze of wind making his hair swirl around as he reached up to touch the necklace his husband got him as a present for his 18th birthday.

It's crazy how fate brought us together, Jungkook thought, hand clasping the jewel that meant a lot to him because it was Taehyung's promise to love him forever and ever and always stay by his side, during all the difficulties and hardships they've gone through and will go through in the future.

Letting go of the necklace, Jungkook looked down at his already sleeping husband curled into his side, taking in all his beautiful features. His golden skin, his plump and sweet lips, his cute little nose, his rosy cheeks. And in that moment, the younger couldn't believe that he was actually able to call Taehyung his, his one and only for the rest of their lives.

Sometimes, fate brings people together in the most bizarre and strange ways possible, after making them face hardships which causes them to almost give up or do things they deeply regret afterwards. But once they find their way into each other's arms, their relationship and the bond they form is impossible to destroy because their love is stronger than anyone else's.

They would entrust their lives to each other and always save one another, no matter the consequences because all they need in their world is each other's unstoppable love that protects them like an unbreakable shield. Love, that has no limit and flows through the both of them and connects its lovers by a strong bond which cannot be broken easily.

Becoming tired himself, Jungkook yawned quietly and he bent down to press a gentle kiss onto Taehyung's lips.

"I love you, baby. Forever and ever until death parts us."



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